I’m... not following. Who said anything about the 1/6 riot? What does that have to do with anything?
I’m... not following. Who said anything about the 1/6 riot? What does that have to do with anything?
“Between the numerous emails and non-answers that have been given, we have been told explicitly that we somehow cannot understand the nuance of certain content.”
Pretty sure those people were not calling themselves progressives...
Fair enough, but I suspect when the next shareholder meeting happens and we get new subscriber numbers we’re going to find that not a whole lot of people have done the same, much like what happened with Cuties and with the Tom Segura special.
Have you actually cancelled your subscription? Kind of suspect most of the people shouting about this on the internet actually haven’t.
The “or negative test” thing is usually thrown into these policies in order to avoid nuisance lawsuits about “religious discrimination” since they can always say “well, the religiously opposed thing can simply get a test instead.”
Shouldn’t be too surprising given the periodic stories that have come out over the years of the lead singer swearing out audiences at various State Fairs and legion halls.
Aren’t these people a little old to be acting like Hot Topic customers?
No, Sony took that down from Netflix as well as other streaming services the episode was streaming on. It was not a decision made by Netflix.
Probably not, but that would be a situation where there would be consequences for their customers beyond them not having access to one episode of a TV show which they still wouldn’t have access to anyway if they threw a fit and ceased operations.
Then basically anyone can hyperbolically label anything they don’t like as “hate speech” and then they’re back to square one. This particular special is very unlikely to meet their, or most other definitions of “hate speech.” It isn’t making any calls to violence, nor is it actively endorsing legal segregation. It is…
Except that does very much weigh on all of these decisions and when you are a media company that provides a wide range of material it’s basically a guaranty that some percentage of your content will be deemed offensive by some subsection of your audience. Living in absolute fear of offending some people is a recipe…
Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy where homosexuality is illegal, women have only just recently been allowed to drive, and a journalist was brutally murdered for criticizing the government... I don’t think a streaming service taking their ball and going home is going to inspire them to become a bastion of free…
And the next person to be offended by something on their service will also say they have really really really good reasons for demanding they thing they don’t like is also harmful and needs to be removed. And so will the next person, and the next person, and the next person and so on. And if they ever say no to one of…
They opted for some speech vs no speech, which was the only other alternative. The second option would have accomplished nothing.
Hate speech is in fact largely protected by the first amendment as ruled several times by the courts, most recently in Matal v Tam in 2017, which was a unanimous ruling.
Neither of these situations was “difficult,” in one situation the choice was basically already made up for them they either cut the content in those markets or they get kicked out of the country altogether. In the other situation they saw that the number of subscribers they were going to lose was small so they stuck…
The point is that these aren’t comparable situations. In one case they’re facing government censors threatening to shut them down, in the other case they’re facing a small number of critics threatening to say mean things about them, obviously they’re going to be more receptive to the former than the later.
1. I didn’t like the special much and think people have good reason to criticize it.
Those were both cases where the governments in question were threatening to ban the services in question if they didn’t take down content, it was literally a choice between A. Take down one piece of content or B. take down every piece of content including that one piece just to make a “point” that everyone would…