Whaaaat?!? Idk where to start.
Whaaaat?!? Idk where to start.
Unless I missed something, this isn’t an abuse of the DMCA. You may not like the way it’s being used, and you would be free to make an argument for why the law is bad or should be changed, but calling it abuse seems like a legal assertion that doesn’t hold water.
It’s attempted murder.
I know. Look at that awful photo of his neck and you see tears running down that poor child’s face. This is indescribably horrific.
At 14, you know better.
Had this been a little white child and Black teens, you’d see them tried as adults.
That statement makes me so angry. What about the trauma that this boy will experience for the rest of his life? I can’t imagine having been his age and some malicious teenagers decided to fucking hang me from a tree and no one gave enough shits to make sure that the people who harmed me had to pay the consequences.…
“Mistakes they make as a young child should not have to follow them for the rest of their life,” Chase said.*
1) “The boy’s uncle, Lyrik Martin, who also posted photos of his injuries on social media, wrote in a post that he wasn’t sure the attack was racially motivated”
Or it could be that punishing children for the sins of their parents is morally reprehensible and unjustifiable.
Immigrants can’t vote until they’ve been naturalized, which is not an overnight process. Limiting the vote via voter suppression, gerrymandering, and other tactics has a much shorter effective time frame. There’s also a substantial body of research that indicates that the immigration actually has a lot of benefits…
Yessssssss! Just had to blast some idiot about this. All these mean-well white folk saying this is equivalent to the “many sides” Trump bullshit and “Will somebody, please, think of the white people”. No. White people gonna be alright even when outed as racists so what the fuck makes you think they aren’t gonna be…
No, fuck that.
It give Huckleberry two additional days to work on her “perplexed cow” face.
I find it incredibly hard to put into words just how awful it would be to end DACA. I have a number of friends who have DACA and it keeps me up at night thinking about what might happen to them if DACA is taken away. The short thing is that they, along with 800,000 others will lose their job, either immediately or…
Obviously the best way to cover white supremacy is “in kerosene.”
Eh, do you really think she should just slink off into the night?
Wish I could give you a universe of stars for the line “ Santorum-covered abomination”. Sublime, my dear