Seriously, you should consider getting tested for autism.
Seriously, you should consider getting tested for autism.
They could probably trick him into supporting it if it was renamed the Donald Trump America Is the Best Agreement.
I’ve been having that dream too. I step outside and see the city being bombed.. we’re a few miles north, and wondering what to do and if the blast will hit us. Plus every time they do that emergency test on the radio I feel my stomach drop. Every time I’m worried it’s for real this time, a nuclear attack or who knows…
“But everything I have ever seen about Ben (which isn’t much admittedly) smacks of using a thin veneer of “queer”ness to get away with a band name like PWR BTTM”
There’s no one to save us now but ourselves. It seems pretty easy for them to just safely ignore all protest and dissent. I have lost all faith in politicians and our political process. It’s time for leftists to reconsider our second amendment rights. There is more at stake than there ever has been in the history of…
Glad to see someone else say it. I guess I clicked on the article just to check the comments. It doesn’t really seem like healthy advice to me, more like a way to trigger an existing eating disorder or start up a new one. For me I would just think, ok, why not make the next day a 500 calorie day too? And every day…
“...there have been “recent coordinated physical attacks” against the pipeline itself.” The most hopeful news I’ve seen in some time.
Thank you. Not to mention, trans people have been using public bathrooms for as long as trans people and public bathrooms have existed, quietly, discreetly, and in constant fear for their safety. I’m pretty sure most people never thought about it until someone came up with the brilliant idea to make bathrooms a…
Is the destruction of all human (or otherwise) life on the planet through climate change comparable to terrorism? Could you call it terrorism to knowingly and willfully promote the hastening of climate change through policy? Would it be promoting terrorism to sit back and do nothing, out of ignorance, or out of fear…
“All the shit we couldn’t cover today”...or just didn’t bother to. Is it my imagination, or is Jezabel just getting progressively worse with news coverage? Gawker/Jezabel used to be my go-to news site, because it had summaries of the major news of the day, plus opinion and interesting less-talked-about news, plus one…
As a few other people alluded to, I just assumed the plan all along was to use prison labor. You know, with all the new people they’ll be imprisoning soon.. protesters, dissenters, journalists, immigrants, non-whites, non-Christians, queers...
Hey, I think you may have a wrong link. The part about Carrier links to a Slate article. There is no mention of this quote in the Slate article. Too bad, because I thought that was the most salient point of your article, and I’d like to see where the quote is coming from and its context. ETA: Found it in a Salon…
Oh come on. It doesn’t “completely isolate” anyone. Anyone is free to do what they can. If you can’t, don’t participate, participate in some other way such as the consumer strike, or participate in any other protest. No one is judging if you can’t take a day off. I don’t think that the fact that some people aren’t in…
“There are a lot of killers. We’ve got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country’s so innocent?”
This line is amazing, from Wikipedia: “Jerilyn Hassell Pool, an outspoken Mormon advocate of LGBTQ people, has contributed to the awareness of candle salads by famously serving a visiting group of Mormon missionaries this dish as a dessert.”
Thanks for the thoughtful reply! It’s great to hear about the area from someone who lives there, and I love learning anything I can about my (hopefully) new country.
Good point, I’m starting to think that the only hope we have might be resistance from within the military. I do remember generals speaking out during the election in response to statements made by Trump, saying that their duty was to the country and the Constitution, not to the president, and that they would refuse to…
I am. We made the decision election night. I’m working on grad school applications right now to universities in Scotland. Hoping to turn that into a permanent move and eventually citizenship. I can imagine many terrible scenarios for what might happen here. Top fears include civil war or nuclear war. Personally I feel…
Guns don’t mean much when the government has bombs, drones, tanks, and nukes. The government with the world’s strongest military has no reason to fear citizens with even the most powerful guns. I have a nasty, creeping feeling that while those of us on the left believed in civil society and sensible gun control, the…