
Very much this.

To see where they were conceived.

Honestly, this is about the same level as “meeting” “Spider-Man” at the Treasury in the ‘70s. 6-year-old me wasn’t fooled by the guy in the costume, even if it was better than the obviously Temu-purchased Bluey PJs.

It sounds like it was a crappy event, yes. It was still nowhere near the fuckery of the AI delu-lu-fest

The Wonka thing made a big show of itself as being a much bigger and better production than it was. Glancing at this Facebook event, it seems like “dude in a Bluey costume and a couple loose activities at a hot dog restaurant” is exactly what they were advertising, and therefore exactly what the adults in this

Not just the Neimoidians, but also Jar Jar and Watto, who’s a clear Jewish/Middle Eastern stereotype.

YES! The critiques of this review were causing me to grind my teeth. If these people had been in my screenwriting classes the professors would have ripped them apart. “So you actively want to write a bad film? Interesting... I shall avoid talking to you for the rest of the semester.”

Um, okay, weirdo. Sorry she didn’t give you a hard on, I guess?

My mom’s Ford Escort did that in 1981.

...That’s a mental image I really didn’t need in my head! lol

Nothing should give me more joy than fucking shortseller vampire profiteers getting ramrodded where it hurts them the absolute most (IE their pocketbooks), but unfortunately there’s also considerable overlap between these anti-short dudebro “stonks” types and fascist-adjacent incels/trumpistas.

Just shake your head and hope these people don’t breed.  The rest of humanity will thank them.

Jesus tap dancing Christ, who allowed that headline to get published?

Only boomers have time use all words

I mean, as your article states, while technically feasible, it doesn’t sound particularly likely, and still seems like a step up from the days of coat hangers and hotwiring. It’s definitely good to have a clear-eyed understanding of how this stuff actually works though, so thanks for the article and (excluding the

was about to say exactly this.

The engineer told him the frunk increases in pressure every single time it closes and detects resistance, Judkins said. It’s going to assume you want to close the frunk and maybe something like a bag is getting in the way, which would make it close harder.”

Musk: “We updated the frunk so it won’t cause bodily harm”

It’s highly contagious, but I don’t know if you can “source” MRSA shy of finding someone that already has it. It’s also not lethal in most cases, so that would be really weird to try to off somebody with a MRSA infection. I doubt this was nefarious.

That’s what I thought when I saw the headline... but can you give someone MRSA?

Who am I supposed to feel for in this situation?
Cheaters getting scammed?
Family members of Cheaters getting scammed?
Scammers who aren’t getting paid?