
I more thought of it as a closer trying to close the game out. Tries to throw a curve, hangs it over the plate, but the batter is expecting a curve and swings under the hanging pitch and strikes out.

Both Taiwan and People’s Republic of China officially claim to be the legitimate governments of all China, which to both countries mean what we consider mainland China + Taiwan.

I believe it’s possible for Gizmodo to object to certain ads being placed on their site and push back against having certain advertisers being able to place ads.  While it won’t solve the problem (as other advertisers can post siliar ads) it’s nto like it would absolutely nothig.

I played Muvluv / Muvluv Alternative. on the Vita and loved it. The original Muvluv has to be the weirdest Romance SLG ever made in that the spinoff afterstory spawned a whole franchise and is way more famous than the main story.

When I woke up this morning, I didn’t expect to go to bed knowing how to pick out far right ass holes in Chile twitter, but you learn something new every day.

Tbf, all he’s providing are character designs, not the scenario. So frankly, the mangaka’s storyteling is largely irrelevant, just whether or not you think his character designs look cool.

I think because I played Persona 2 when I was 15, playing a Persona game as a 37 year old man I just get taken back to a time when Persona games were marketed to me, and I can still enjoy it.

I though R-rating restricted people under 17, not under 18? Did this change since I was a teenager (a few decades ago)?

It doesn’t say 100 consecutive push ups. Even if you’re out of shape, you can do 10 push ups. rest. 10 more push ups. Rest. Keep going till you hit 100 on the day.

There were only 283 games on Steam in 2011, so the “Entire Steam Library” contest seems like a bust in explaining a 25k account.

In it’s defense, Advent Children makes slightly more sense in Japanese than in English, but they use a lot of words that are very mystical sounding compound words that are extremely difficult to even translate, let alone, to translate in a way that doesn’t totally fuck up lip syncing, or doesn’t fill the entire bottom

I disagree. I think I’m describing a bare level of adult competence, which most adults fall into.

As a guy working 60 hour weeks and has a newborn daughter, count me as utterly unsympathetic to that argument.

I’m a 37 year old man with 2 children, I know how paying bills work.

For the record, Momotetsu is a rare game where basically they make the same game every time, and it pretty much is guaranteed ot be fun every time.

For the love of all that is holy, I really want Konami to license Suikoden for something other than Pachinko.

There’s I forgot to buy toilet paper, and I’m wiping my ass with a paper towel variety of indignity.

Just as an FYI, Microsoft tried to get a meeting with Nintendo to discuss terms for buying Nintendo back in like 1998 or 1999, and got literally laughed out of the room before they could provide a number.

I bid, a nickel

As an aside, the practice of capturing enemy soldiers and civilians and selling them into slavery was a near universal practice up till about the 9th or 10th century AD.