Isnt the point of a game manufacturer to make money off games they make?
Isnt the point of a game manufacturer to make money off games they make?
Yeah, this would be a lot cooler if it weren’t for the fact like every supermarket and convenience store in Tokyo seems to be sold out of masks. I went to like 5 different convenience stores in the past 2 weeks before I found a place that wasn’t out of stock.
The juxtaposition of the plea for everything to be alright next to (in Japanese) help us win the 14th Annual All Medical Futsal Tournament is amusing. Pleas to God(s) take all forms and all levels of seriousness of the human experience.
This is more than a little disingenuous, given literally every issue can be cast as less important than an extinction event for humanity (you want to talk about people denying the Holocaust happened, something from 80 YEARS ago when the polar ice caps are melting!?)
I mean, to be fair, this is the avclub, not a general news site. A newsworthy event is newsworthy if it ties to television or film.
Honestly, it took me like 20-30 hours to get out of Midgar in the ORIGINAL game, so it frightens me when people say this lol.
lol @ you’re not England
Wait, so the guy punching the seat in front of him like a toddler whining isn’t the selfish one in this scenario?
Super saiyan coneheads chocobo right there
No, i agree 100%, this would almost never go to trial. But the question was about why keep receipts, and could you be screwed if you didn’t, so I was walking through the worst case scenario, deep pocketed, litigious, fight every inch hypothetical gas station owner.
It’s a really good game, even for people who aren’t big fans of other RTS’ (as I explained in detail in a separate post on this article).
I think CoH is heads and tails better than either of those games.
CoH is a great RTS for people who dislike RTSs. I do not generally like the RTS genre much, but CoH hooked me big time back in the day.
Here’s $200 go crazy at gamestop.
To clarify, here’s why this kind if thing is almost never an issue for simple evidence like this.
Then you subpoena their sales records and match your credit card statement to their ledger, though it extremely rarely comes to that.
Just so you’re aware... if you pay at hte pump with credit card, you can prove you got gas from that location using your credit card statement. You won’t need a receipt (unless you pay cash).
You mean this, of course.
If it were my actual son, I’d pay almost any sum of money to make that happen, even if I couldn’t hug him. Just talking to him to him (even if he couldnt even hear me) would be beyond any valuie. No idea how i’d feel about a digital representation.
I have a piece of advice—take at least a good 2-3 week or longer break between CS2 and CS3, don’t go right in.