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    Patronize establishments that do not admit minors and quit your bellyaching, fella.

    Although I'm sad, they just renovated all the ones in my city to be a little more "modern." They took the shitty old arcades out in the process. Playing the classic TMNT arcade game with her is one of my favorite memories.

    Nice. Nice. Nice.

    Also, oi! Why the hate on burgers and pizza? I like burgers and pizza! We go to this chain called Red Robin, it's in western Canada and the PNW. Their dig is burgers. I like their burgers, and the kids like their burgers. "I'll have a hamburger please, plainnnnn" orders my oldest. PLAIN, DAMMIT. She LIKES it plain. I

    yeah the fucking kale leaves part bothered me. I even like kale. I hate the way it's turned into some kind of mark of status.

    I know that the first time we gave our daughter PB, we definitely were watching.

    Oh god. We totally had the go-go squeeze bit. Both kids were into them, for a while youngest only ate those. We stocked up!

    "Daughter #1 will, and has always, happily try anything we give her to try, and likes most of it; she's always been a healthy eater. Daughter #2—raised the exact same way, with the exact same meal/food options, mind you—is as picky as the day is long."

    Dude that would gross me out so much, too! Haha.

    My daughters actually loved the rice pilaf my restaurant used to offer. Didn't even blink at the finely diced mushroom, onions, and carrots in it. Totally different from the generally plain rice we made at home, but they gobbled it up.

    Much like the author, feel free to fuck off.

    I have many thoughts on this. Stupid phone.

    I really appreciate you calling out the classist bs in this article. You're absolutely right. Eating out three times a week at the kinds of places this guy suggests he frequents is looking at basically 70 bucks a shot, and that's being conservative. Two adult entrees, maybe an appy, probably a cocktail or drink each,

    Yeah, it's all well and good, but kids go through phases and there's only so much you can do short of shoving the food into them with a funnel.

    Nope. It's a bad show and a bad role model for my daughters, despite the same voice cast and same characters and superficially same emphasis on "friendship." Here's why. The end. Thanks for playing, though!

    Me too. It's more a shame they didn't know what to do with him past "badass wreck a car race/die"

    Yeah, it could have been any schmuck under that makeup delivering those few, paltry lines.

    The pulp/serial vibe of first avenger is a huuuuge win for me. Plus, it got me to revisit the Rocketeer!

    Huh. I don't remember Melanie. Sounds like an excuse to rewatch BB! O, what a terrible fate!