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    Heh. I won't be seeing them again, so it'll stay there. It was a good run while it lasted. Cheers.

    Yes, bit that movie sucks.

    matthew good band/matthew good - 10
    project 86 - 6
    mutemath - 3

    I would suggest Blade Runner > Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?


    Maybe he is Jesus.


    So, spelunking?

    "Well I couldn't before!"

    I think Burton exhausted his best material long ago.

    That's just bad filmmaking.

    Interesting. Do the books do a better job of telling the story?

    "Can I play the piano?"

    I was, more or less, just *bored* with the Burton Apes flick.

    Holy crap that would have been awesome. He would've been an amazing choice to carry a series.

    Yikes. I can see that. It's an intense show.

    Did the beyond team expect more episodes or another season order, perhaps, and used jlu to properly finish the series?

    You're correct.

    See with JL, a lot of the two partners seem drawn out. I totally get what they were going for but I remember thinking around half of the stories could've been done in a single episode.

    Joker totally loses his cool, and Hamill does a tremendous job of raging joker.