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    Do I need to put a decade old story in spoilers? I can. How do I do spoilers on disqus?

    If anything, it entirely subtracted from and diminished Terry's hero's journey and character development. It retroactively makes Terry's *differences* from Bruce significantly less important, because his DNA was super awesome. Yet one of the primary thrusts of the show is that Terry is not Bruce Wayne. His differences

    Was the Zeta Project part of the Dini/Timm verse?

    I really hate the latter twist.

    I remember thinking that when the first scary movie came out. I was raised on Brooks and naked gun. Both approach it a little differently but you're exactly right: they take it seriously.

    Also, a movie with Falcon and Ant-Man, and then one with all three.

    Yeah. None were bad guys. But the one guy… he'd determined he would only listen to the *best* music, and nothing below that. He had five bands: Nine Inch Nails, Davie Bowie, Tool, Radiohead, Pink Floyd. Also, a Perfect Circle because Maynard.

    I die everytime at their reaction to Cap and Sharon's kiss.

    Oh man.

    Blah blah infinity war blah blah
    MCU flicks I want:

    Going by every tool fan I've ever known, "fun" isn't part of that repertoire.

    That Binford tools sponsorship makes so much sense now!

    Ha! *My* friends were that type. Nonjock, musical elitist snobs, but basically meatheads.

    Yeah, well. When I realized tool concerts were basically full of meathead jock assholes…

    It's so frustrating that Jinder is being scripted to rely on entirely base xenophobic shit. Play up the rich guy aspect, all this.

    (with that said, it's pretty fucking amazing how hard they both have worked to make every little thing work, every opportunity. They were making pre-show garbage entertaining months ago. I think Breezy Bella was the turning point; not because Breezy Bella was in and of itself something so amazing, but because Tyler abs

    "Breezango has worked best when their general idiocy matches with some surprising in-ring smarts."

    A. I don't even know where I could begin, and I won't, because I'm probably going to rewatch the season and make comments on each episode's review. It was an absolute blast. I stood up and cheered at the final episode. I got goosebumps like when watching actual wrestling that *succeeds* and doesn't suck, I loved all

    That beautiful adrenaline in front of a huge, rocking, live crowd.

    I remember from the GLOW documentary that one of the girls did suffer a pretty serious injury on-camera. I'm sure they all had their bumps and bruises but that seemed to stand out as the one really serious one; that'd be easy to work into a story.