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    Thank you!

    The Bash/Carmen pairing may be my favorite of the season. Again how it subverts typical/obvious tv writing; i expected Bash to be a total cockhole to Carmen when she walked out. Storm after her, swear, be that jerk asshole. Instead, he's supportive, and ends up confiding in her; little bits that lead to his sheer

    I popped so hard when she took the hat off and her hair was the same shape.

    Keith was a DELIGHT. Like @lafergs:disqus noted, the show doesn't take the obvious (read: lame) route often. It would be so easy to have some conflict with Keith such as a. jealous of his wife's new success b. pissed that she has to be away from home c. becomes a creep to the other girls d. cheats on cherry.


    I will say that… unfortunately, it really hit me hard when Mark talked about how he started counting how many days it would take for Debbie to look him in the eye, ask how his day was, etc. It wasn't… exactly similar with the wife I'm now separated from (nor did anybody fuck the other's best friend), but for periods


    They have fun dialogue, too. Sam is both like "fuck, I don't care" but also vocally supportive. I love the conversation about donuts, he makes fun of her "what are you, 7 years old?" "I like pink frosting," and then it circles back to Sam deciding to wait at the clinic for her so she can pick out her own donut.

    The howl was the best! =)

    I love that she is so willing to just do silly things for a laugh.

    I'm always torn on the film ending. On one hand, it works for me that Knives and Scott seem to come to terms with being really good friends (and super awesome tag teaming DDR). OTOH, the film almost seems to have Scott grow past needing/wanting Ramona and realizing Knives is better for him. Which I think was the

    Yeah. I never even finished 20.

    Good points. The music is interesting because the episodes I did watch had much more generic and obvious cues.

    "come on down, AUTOBRAT."

    Oh. My. God.

    I'd watch!

    As a lifelong transformers fan, Stan Bush's cheesy anthems have a special place in my heart. I was delighted to see the lesser known of his two songs from the 86 cartoon movie used here!

    Shoot lol

    Hm. I think it depends on the focus.

    Ehhhhh past.couple seasons showed me that Trey and Matt have started to become old men ranting about ideas they don't understand, and taking the "piss" out of a false or incomplete understanding. The safe spaces idea comes to mind.