It's not like she was being given direction. =)
It's not like she was being given direction. =)
I think the Queen bit also illustrates that Sam is not a pro wrestling promoter. As already noted, he's setting Debbie up to fail and not really directing, but the way he (and Bash) approach the project is very different from how a pro wrestling promoter would. The GLOW crew also lacks the "locker room ettiquette"…
I mean, just having a baby alone, and kind of being cherry picked to be the star, there are multiple walls between Debbie and the other girls.
I wrote about it separately but that's exactly how I felt.
Funnily enough, one of the things I've learned about from trying (and failing at) wrestling, and being involved in it, is that it's almost a joke that often the heels are nicer and better people than the top babyfaces lol…
Is next episode the one with the great training montage featuring Brodus and Carlito? Because fuck I love that so much.
It was heartbreaking at times but it was overall a really neat doc. And I'm always down for more Ivory.
Wait, WHAT.
I've never seen or heard anything before from Maron but he's a fucking revelation in this show. Sam doesn't even feel like a role, but a literal grizzled smalltime movie guy they pulled out of an alley to shoot this goddamn crap.
I honestly cringed when Ruth started in on going with Gregory to "learn about Russian" culture. I had flashbacks to the most (beautifully) uncomfortable moments of Freaks & Geeks. Except here, was this even going to be good, or was this going to be one of the worst episodes?
They hire this super amazing lawyer who is long retired, and she spends the entire trial looking shocked and incompetent. The defense attorney starts throwing out wild, random accusations including DI Hardy sleeping with DI Miller, and nobody shouts "objection." They just let the DA spout off the most absurd possible…
"shrieky rat-faced twat"
I don't usually fret about fakey fake TV criminal trial stuff but how absurdly stupid the trial was ruined s2 for me. I agree that I liked the Sandbrook stuff, but good lord, the courtroom shit was absolute trash.
Yeah that middle stretch is just like… What? It's just padding since they can't end him that early.
He's talking about stuff from Alex Riley's previous WWF career. He has a bad tat with "a-ry" on his back and is basically infamous at this point for losing his push/spot as a result of standing up to John Cena when Cena was ribbing him/giving him shit in front of the locker room.
I enjoy Brittanica's future development.
Was it in this episode of the next one that Cherry catches Debbie getting in the early morning? I REALLY enjoyed their conversation about it. Debbie's bit about "It was WEIRD! you're with one person for so long you imagine what it would be like with all these other guys, then it happens, and it's…"
… you're angry one fictional character boned another fictional character because of said fictional character's actual wrestling career/tattoo choices?
I'm okay with the episodes being a bit short because in my experience with Netflix shows, many of them simply go on too long. Especially all the "hour long" drama style shows. I enjoyed all of the Marvel series (except Iron Fist), but all of their episodes feel padded as shit.