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    1. I desperately want Mr. Monopoly in real life from Joey Ryan, complete with midgets.

    I actually got chills at the big swooping pan around the entire death room as order members are apparating in. Fucking awesome.

    I enjoyed the main quarter far more than the actual plot.

    But… Why? You already have the books to read for the perfect version.

    The big setpiece with the order vs the deatheaters in the end of ootp was a thousand times more epic, dramatic, and clear than how it was written in the book.

    Dumbledore's portrayal ruins that movie for me.

    Get out of my brain.

    Well I wouldn't trade Cuaron's azkaban for del Toro's. I would happily take del toro on four or five.

    Yeah, it's kind of cheap to barely hint at it beyond some "flamboyant" descriptors and announce it after the fact.

    I was 21? I think. Picked up the second book in a 7-11 out of curiosity.

    I enjoyed power rangers.

    That last sentence isn't true at all. Anyways, I enjoyed the movie and the characters.

    It's gross how they've raised the prices on the new movie toys for no discernable reason other than "fuck you, that's why." A last knight deluxe toy is $30! Thirty! Canadian. Meanwhile the as good and probably better generations and rid deluxes remain at $20. Tbh if the main line sees that kind of jump it might be the

    I like ant-man.

    Shocking in the best way eg unexpected. And yeah it sounds from interviews she is 100% onboard with it.

    This is that weird spot where I want to freely admit that I find Brie supremely attractive, and I almost went into shock when she took her top off, because WOW.

    That is a very fair point. I'll happily take garbage movies that make boatloads of money IF that also means Hasbro feels comfortable enough to continue producing the Generations line —- which to this point has done some outstanding toys, and modern interpretations of some OBSCURE fucking characters. Even at that, it


    They tried so hard to pretend it was real because that's a big reason they drew crowds. Wrestling came from carnie bullshit. They work the marks. Aka people paying to see it. And when you go back and watch old footage or read stories of d crowds, jeeeeesus. It was nuts. Old school heels would have crowds (of grown

    The doc is really good if also a little heartbreaking.