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    We're really a sad lot, at times. We love this franchise that more often than not spews out garbage.

    The first one isn't… terrible. It's not great, but it wasn't terrible. It was fine and it was thrilling seeing these huge beautiful CGI transformers on the screen, and there was enough goofy charm from some of the human cast.

    Hahaha. I kid. I'm long over the Transformers movies. I enjoy the franchise via the toys (non-movie toys are all just updates of classic shit), and the comics have been good. TF fans are used to being starved for quality media.


    Whoa whoa whoa, THREE things?

    Hey, I have a spare "Hot Rod."

    I mean, as much as "people" look at the TF movies as "dumb brainless fun cgi spectacles," even "the average movie-goer" can only take so much.

    It's bizarre being a Transformers fan at times because of the outrageous swings in quality between different media. "I love Transformers! … but not those horrible movies. Uh, here, have some comics. No, not those comics, these comics. And this was a good show —- no, that show is terrible. This one was good." Of course

    I'm sorry, this news isn't about the Bucky/falcon buddy cop movie I keep seeing in my dreams.

    I'm some fucking robot! I transform from total product placement into a pile of garbage!

    He really ends up endearing himself to you, despite burying her alive (and I love this guy who seems like a total loser being the one to get the drop on her).

    I fucking loathe t3 for that ending.

    He looked like a muppet.

    I laughed at that joke, but Adrian snorting coke had me rolling. Great pair of episodes (finally watched them tonight).


    I was really glad GOTG2 didn't fully couple them, even if it certainly moves their relationship more obviously forward.

    Sometimes I feel like the first Cap movie gets overlooked, like people "like" it but it's rarely one of a co-worker or friends favorite MCU flicks. I love it, I love the feel and color scheme, the 40s serial vibe, the pop feel of it, the wartime adventure reel direction. It made me go back and rediscover the

    I really enjoyed it, and I loathe the atrocities Snyder set upon the world previously.

    Let's hit that soundtrack!
