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    arrrrrrrgh fuck Mark Millar forever.


    Me too!

    Oh, Etta Candy!

    Not really sure how to reply. Your OP literally qualified opinions on the movie as "if you're a woman" and "as a guy." See ya.

    It struck me on a variety of levels. As a whole, it's simply well-executed in terms of the scene setting, acting, theme, etc etc. It's purely heroic.

    Comment synergy!

    I'd be 100% down. I like "superhero movie" as a genre-ish, but yeah, Logan was a great western, and I'd love to see more of this. WHEN THE STORY SERVES IT. I mean, we don't want to force it.

    but "as a guy".

    Jessica banging Luke until the bed breaks, pause, then they keep at it. Both hilarious and actual fucking character development through the use of a sex scene.

    "ask anyone who teared up during the scene where Diana first heads out of the trenches into battle, alone, in full superhero-regalia glory. "

    I get it, but ultimately this is a moderated forum. As are most. There's no requirement to allow people to say absolutely anything they want on avclub owners forums, nor is it an infringement on a human right.

    Free speech ? Is the government going to arrest you for your avclub comments?????

    Oh, hey, Samoa Joe, pretty good at wrestling.

    They've barely even scratched the surface of them as a team, and you're absolutely right. Have them get a big win first, take the belts, do something good. There's absolutely no reason to break them up so early. Neither is going to succeed without the other.

    *fucking applause*

    Beck being a Scientologist always kills me.

    you're fucking kidding me.

    Who in their right mind is sitting there going "OH SHIT, A NEW MUMMY MOVIE? WITH TOM CRUISE?!?!?!"

    That isn't the faintest what he was saying.