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    I've never understood that argument. The Pod Race had no stakes or tension or drama.


    I gave this show a try, but the characters are too unlikable to get past it. I mean, I like Bojack Horseman, and other shows with unpleasant leads, but this one is just too much for me.


    blah blah blah

    Oh nice! I'd read something a whole back that it stalled after the season 1 release.

    I'm in Canada. :(

    I'm pretty sure this show is in hell. They released, what, ONE season on DVD and gave up?


    I… Don't hate nin? And never said such a thing? In context of this particular thread?

    Same occurred to me.

    Has science determined yet that Affleck was the bomb in Phantoms, yo?

    Yep. They'll rebut with things like "You don't have eyes to see or ears to hear" or call you sheeple etc etc etc. You can't engage with them. They're right, they know the real, secret truth, and you're dumb.

    They did it twice! The "Walking After You" alternate version with more drums on the actual X-Files film soundtrack. =D

    Oh, I know. He didn't talk about fucking like an animal! SUCH SUBSTANCE.


    "but it’s also not even kind of recognizable as the goofy spies-and-detectives show I fell in love with."

    I don't even know how to feel about this episode. I mean, not BAD. It was stunning. I don't think I've ever felt this way watching an episode. Tremendous tension going into it; sheer abject horror at some of the violence (jesus CHRIST when Golem has the dog's jaws); and some emotional gut punching. Plus, you know,

    How on earth Fragile style over substance? It has so much weight. Because it's not ONLY about hating yourself?

    Same era brought us the great "Down In The Park" cover on the X-Files TV soundtrack as well, both absolutely terrific.
    They did a live cover of Arcade Fire's "Keep the Car Running" a few years ago that I like.