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    Yeahhhhhhh noooooooo. Dutch is so much more fucking terrifying than Barry. That laugh was horrific.

    Huh. I'm gonna check this out.

    Comics, everybody!

    from what I understand, IDW's Transformers titles do exceptionally well in digital and trade, less so in single paper issue. But that's basically random rumours from people "in the know" since for some reason no company wants to disclose digital numbers. Doesn't surprise me, though.

    There is a great article out there, written in the wake of Secret Empire 0, about how this is one of Marvel's biggest sins these days: they put out a million fucking books.

    That's why I'm not going to bother getting into the Generation X reboot. It'll either be those things you mentioned, or a total creative team change, in under a year. Why the fuck should I get invested?

    I legitimately laugh out loud, to the point of needing to pause, on a routine basis with b99.

    It was interesting watching the documentary for it crowd regarding the special finale, because they.mentioned a couple of times some of the differences of working in front of a live audience.

    I tried it out because of McHale. I didn't make it ten minutes.


    I don't think you have to buy a bunch of stuff, but outright stealing from a band that "means a lot to you" seems intensely dishonest and corrupt.

    Well, this thread is getting me curious to check out some new bands. G.L.O.S.S. has an EP on spotify, I'll give it a listen.

    Sigh. Nothing grosses me out more than wrestling fans who vehemently argue that Benoit should be in the Hall of Fame and it's somehow a shame/disgrace/injustice that he's not.

    "this band means quite a lot to me"

    Certainly a lot of people who believe themselves to be on the upper tier of "rational" thought or whatever believe that quality allows them to, you know, be dicks to people about all kinds of things. Because they're so "rational" and you're just, not on their level, man.


    God I wish the Futurama writers could've done something like this with Fry and Leela. I was happy they finally got together, but then they proceeded to basically ignore their relationship in almost every episode, unless it was directly *about* Fry and Leela's relationship.

    Much like last week there is this weird criticism of "not every plot is amazing." Of course Amy's plot is the most compelling, it's the core story. The other stories are just fluff. Nothing wrong with that, they're not the emotional core or point of the episode. Plot… isn't everything. I'm happy just watching the

    Just watched it.

    That's long been a personal but unconfirmed theory. Mark's work on fables had everything I liked about bachalo on gen X (including all the goofy border bits), while almost everything bachalo did after they stopped working so closely together is awful. Weapon plus from new X-Men, for for example. Incomprehensible.