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    Well, when you put it like *that*.

    Just scribble with some smelly markers on a page and swirl lots of orange and yellow. There. You've drawn the next Bachalo cover of anything!

    Really, it's a Doug Adams adaptation. No version of Hitchhiker is definitive and none are exactly the same. I'd prefer an adaptation and not literally filming the book.

    When Smithers is drunk off his ass for Monty's entertainment!

    WHat's the basic recipe for a rickey?

    Oh my god, really?

    It's become the staff go-to at my restaurant for gin. it doesn't cost any more than well (to be fair, my restaurant, especially for a chain, is really good about not charging stupid amounts for marginally better booze). It's just… good? It costs the same as bombay, beefeater, tanq at work, and I like it most if I

    I don't understand your reply?

    It can be both things! =D

    It's odd, because outside of a few super serious bars (which, maybe ironically, are more hipster oriented), almost every bar —- chain or indie —- I go to shakes even gin or vodka martini. Or Old fashioneds, often. I don't really mind but stirred does taste better. Albeit while I "know" a martini is properly with gin,

    Friend of mine always orders a clubhouse on his first visit to a new restaurant. Way he figures out, if they can't make a good clubhouse…

    Zero wrong with that. I'm not much of a vodka drinker, but Ketel one does it for me.

    Try Hendricks with a slice of cucumber over ice. Refreshing!

    I don't drink gin enough but I should. It's interesting though how different they can all taste. I LOATHE Tanquary. Loathe it. Straight, in a cocktail, a martini (straight or flavored), I can't stand it. But Bombay? I had a love affair with that about a decade ago. Hendricks is good, and I should buy a bottle next

    mmmm. In canada, canada dry is made with sugar. ;)

    I should really watch it again. I do remember always feeling that the last act falls apart.

    man i don't even care how outdated and shitty they are, I still dig the Limp Bizkit MI theme.

    When we first watched the film, after it was done, we started quoting the therapy scene. I swore he said "beaten with *rakes*."

    Nothing makes a guy feel old then when the teenaged bussers at my restaurant stare at blankly when I "whoa blossom."

    Holt has been involved in pretty much every single three dozen times I've had to pause because I'm completely GONE from a great Holt moment.