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    I started, like, halfway through season 2 as my wife was watching it on netflix. I watched to the end of s2, then started from the beginning. I certainly wasn't lost at all starting in s2.

    But where were Miyam Bialik and Joey Lawrence?

    Fuck, the "I love you bit" was fantastic. We know Jake's saying it to try to "get out of trouble," and there's that lovely pause and expression of consternation on Terry's face before he replies. Just perfect.

    When they had the rooftop meeting at the end, was Holt stifling tears? It sounded like he was dangerously close to cracking with emotion, but managed to hold it in check. I'm not hearing/reading that wrong, am I?

    The complaints in the review seem very strange. Yes, it's an ensemble cast; no, not every episode has to involve every single cast member in a significant role. Yes, it's a more serious episode; no, every episode of the series doesn't have to be a zany caper or competition. Yes, it's "light" on plot; I'm not sure what

    "Get woke!"

    " The only real plots of the episode happen between Terry/Holt and Jake/Amy; everyone else in this episode is a sounding board for both of those plots. "

    Rocky mountains, border of BC and Alberta, southern-ish part. So north of colorado, Idaho…


    … !

    As a resident of Alberta I was thrilled to hear a specific, non-toronto Canadian reference.

    I support this.

    I adore Terry crews, particularly for his baffled and bewildered line deliveries.

    Ok, is this the SEASON finale? It went on a four month hiatus and came back for a whopping three episodes?

    No offense, Carl.

    I don't work until 430!

    Holy shit.

    arguably those are fantasy within the fantasy, not proof of any sort that Poovey is or isn't biologically male. I was kinda thrown y the first catch, but even then, with her cop clothes off and just an undershirt, they go out of their way to draw it could be simple layers, or could be…

    HAHAHAHA. Oh fuck, that IS worse.