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    Oh shit, what line are we talking about?

    I feel like that was on the DVD commentary.

    I think I have PTSD from mother's day brunch. Okay, hyperbole, but my skin immediately begins to crawl thinking about it. It is the single worst possible shift of the year in this industry. I can't even imagine doing it at a HOTEL buffet.

    *opens cookbook*

    I cannot poach a fucking egg to save my life, and making hollandaise at home? Good night.

    I feel guilt with every delicious, waffley bite.

    Hair of the dog that bit ya, as it were.


    Yup. I both love having brunch, but I've been on the other side as a waiter. It truly is a special place in hell.

    I saw it for or five years ago, finally. Loved it.

    And both the Boyz and Jinder are from Western Canada (Surrey, Calgary). It's actually an interesting combination for offscreen reasons. And yes, they've been "Bollywood" for YEARS, long before coming to WWE.

    Raffi is awesome. Definitely one of the best children's musical acts, and he pisses me off since I can't even begin to replicate some of his fingerwork. =D

    Jinder is cannon fodder. No point in doing Corbin until they're ready to pull the trigger.

    Watched it on youtube. Wow, that is… terrible. Fist through the wall. They're just DUDES. Adrian is in insane physical condition, Comedian is a seasoned fighter.

    oh my god, you're right. Was it super slo mo as well?

    Refresh my memory, what scene was that?

    Yeah, Half-Blood Prince is probably the biggest offender. My friends and I were talking about it a bit ago. They drop the titular subplot almost entirely but have Snape deliver the "I AM THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE" line at the end like it's supposed to mean something. I barely remember the movie. I hated Chamber of Secrets

    Reading. It's your friend.

    I just want to reiterate, again, Watchmen doesn't suck because it's "NOT ENOUGH LIKE THE BOOK." I'm one of the last people to cry "it's not the same!" I think Order of the Phoenix is a better film than book for cutting hundreds of pages of bloat. Organic web shooters are cool. Make the changes needed to tell a new

    Katie - You… you summed up my exact feelings and journey to hatred of Zack Snyder. You and I, we are kindred spirits.