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    For me it's

    You win simply for putting the infinitely-superior-to-oot Majora's mask at #1, sirrah!

    Same here. I never even finished skyward sword.

    I like this write-up. I've never seen the resident evil movies nor do I plan to, but if the dude is just having fun with that kind of content, that goes a long way.

    … they had an album called "raditude?"

    I didn't even know vheissu was "divisive." Nor do I care, because, music.

    The irony here is that there is another band around that scene I hated for similar reasons, but backwards from you. I haaaaaad mewithoutYou half because I had a friend who swore up and down their first two albums were the great thing ever. I ended up checking out one of their later albums well after that friendship

    It might be because I'm not ensconced in that milieu whatsoever, but I certainly disagree with your Frank assessment that "it doesn't" work.

    It's funny because when I ask "What the fuck has Snyder done that's so 'visionary'" (or, you know, good), Dawn of the Dead is the *best* flick I can come up with. I enjoyed it for a lot of reasons. And it's a fucking remake.

    "Paul W.S. Anderson, director: I grew up in a northern industrial town called Newcastle Upon Tyne, where there was no film industry. I would come to London for meetings when I was trying to get my career off the ground. Quite often, I'd have a meeting at 10 o'clock in the morning and 3 o'clock in the afternoon. I

    Fuck yeah Felix Ng!

    I've been with you since the second one. Those movies make me want to carve off my Autobot and Decepticon symbol tattoos with rusty spoons.

    I've never gotten into them. I remember hearing Sex on Fire all the time when it was a hit, and I was like… okay, so they sound like they're just trying way too hard to be Bruce Springstreen (or was it Billy Joel? I don't even fucking remember who they sounded like). I didn't get the appeal at ALL.

    Counterpart: Vheissu is Thrice's masterpiece.

    Oh MAN, do I hate me some Weezer's "Beverly Hills." Hate hate hate hate HATE.

    Mmmm I read that comment a different way. When it was FIRST released, Pinkerton was… not a success. To put it MILDLY. It didn't get good reviews, and it DID alienate a lot of the blue album fans. Pinkerton became well-regarded AFTER. Cuomo has said himself, christ, I was way too personal on that album. I don't think


    Lambert and the guy who plays Shang Tsung are just having *most* delightful time!

    I could never get past how dirty everybody was, all the time…