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    I was about the same age and I just loved the shit out of that scene.

    He's not wrong. About Raimi. Being the fourth Stooge. =D

    Lots of great stuff in this article, but I appreciate the praise given to Mortal Kombat.

    Ack, good point. Ambrose vs Corbin is gonna preshow. Albeit… Ehhhhh

    They'd have to bribe him with Wendy's from when Dave was still alive.

    That's cool of him then. =)

    Thanks. =J

    It's hard to say, I don't recall reading a TON of info about her injury, but it didn't *sound* like an injury that was going to keep her off Mania. For her own sake I hope she can get on the card…

    Recent report is that TNA has offered him a new contract, under the Jarrett/Mantell/D'Amore regime.

    You know, I'm not trying to be a Cena defender by any means, but it's a shocking WASTE of Cena's stature and place. He doesn't have to be in the title match or main event, but he's still Johnnnnnn Ceeeeeeennnnaaaaa. He's one of the biggest stars on the card and a big draw.

    That was quite the in-depth "bullet point" review. ;)

    Not gonna lie, I don't like to be all "PUPPIES" with the female wrestlers, but, uh, Mickie does funny things to me. Those… pants.

    Wow, you're fun.

    honestly? Start with one of these episodes, because the first half of season 1 isn't amazing.

    Archer, seasons 2-10 (caveats on 9-10) Simpsons, original run Futurama, Community (obv not s4), Brooklyn 99… All shows I end up slapping on instead of watching something new because goddammit.

    pop culture fucks you?

    Soutbound and Down! With you on Vice as my fave season. It's the season that turned me into a FAN. Not even sure I'd watched all four prior seasons to that point, bits here and there, but Vice intrigued me and I was hooked.

    And Cyril is entirely a pathetic loser who's dating way out of his league, who becomes infinitely more interesting when he can't stop fucking half the girls he encounters in his path.

    Look at my new boots! They're like my old boots, but with this keen stripe! Look how spontaneous I am!

    I don't like Lana in season 1. She's too far in the "superbitch" category. Her sparring with archer is great, but I don't LIKE her til later.