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    Nope, not much at all. Obviously if I was to give somebody all of Brubaker's run they'd have some questions. Like, wait ,why is cap under arrest? Why is Tony in charge of Shield? Etc.

    Yeah. I remember that arc where the lowlife learns his id. It's six issues of him sitting in a chair with dull flashbacks. Just spill it already, fucker.

    Bravo. That was fucking awful.

    I think they care about each other more than (to my mind) "fuck buddies" suggests. To me, at least, fuckbuddies implies a level of using; I think their friendship is more than that, even if not a defined romantic commitment. I may be splitting hairs. :)

    I can't say if they are or aren't at this time, but even back in TAS it seemed like what you say: they're girlfriends without any sort of commitment. It's not even really a polyamorous relationship, it's just… It just is.

    I'm a huge fan of Brubaker's run on captain america but I'm sure as hell not buying the civil war trades, even if it does mean a gap in the run. Eh. To be fair, the recap at the beginning of "death of cap" tells all that needs to be known.

    Ultimate Spidey was fun… Albeit Bendis clearly ran out of steam long before he stepped away.

    He literally had to DELETE PARTS OF HIS BRAIN for them to wash that shit away.

    Bendis is a fucking overrated hack who has had the keys to the kingdom for FAR too long. Nearly a decade too long, by my watch.

    Reminders of the movie are death.

    It wasn't.

    I call the big one bitey.

    Ohhhhhh myyyyyyy.


    I'm being facetious in the face of the hopper than thou stories in the article. PS: nothing wrong with being a children's singer.

    Also, the Raffi bit. If you were proper music snobs, which seems to the intent of this article, showing your high-faluting "cred" (and overall shittiness), you'd know he was an accomplished folk singer before switching to children's music, and his "kid's music" is still very well written (and not necessarily easy to

    Is this satire, or simply the most pretentious fucking thing I've ever read?

    Man, Transformers is REALLY bad.

    Damn, that's my top four exactly.

    The article mentions Patrick's running as being a huge aspect of his fright. On top of the eye lock, the flat hands and perfectly synced run add to the tension.