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    These kinds of movies are right up my pops' alley, so I would end up watching them quite a bit younger than I should have. T2, platoon, full metal jacket, abyss, etc etc.

    "oh, your flat butt is resting right on my ute."

    Möbius sucks.


    Exactly! Might as well listen to the CD. There's a thrill in a good live set list that an album track listing doesn't replicate.

    you know what, I don't know if I've ever listened to Naveed through.

    Pissed off starseed would be even. Better. If I was to make a top five olp playlist, that's on there.
    Mm. That, clumsy, one man army, right behind you mafia, and… Well, that's about it 😁😁

    I dunno. I "came of age" in as a teen in the mid to late nineties so had this weird mix/influx of "normal" music (grew up on classic rock, Nirvana/Pumpkins/etc), and a huge influx of christian industry. I think there's a ton of fantastic punk, ska, metal, alt rock, etc etc whatever that was released on "christian"

    See, I'd go see the Wall if it came to Edmonton, because the FUCKING WALL. Few bands riding the nostalgia wave are going to really do more than just "play the album." I dunno, I've seen a few now and it's just a weird live experience. I'd rather a band played the whole album, but arranged differently, interspersed

    lol right? But somehow it did inspire what I consider to be their best album and best songwriting. Happiness never worked for me. The production is odd and bugs me. A few good tunes though. I've always thought Thief is BEYOND overrated though, seeing it live reinforced though. It's completely perfunctory and by the

    Ugh. I hate when fans throw shit at musicians on stage, especially bottles. Or, you know, shoes, which for some reason was a trend in the late 90s/early 2000s. Matt Good ate one square in the face, in the middle of APPARITIONS of all songs, at one gig. Fuckin' drunk Canucks.


    superman's dead??????

    Why did Turner leave?

    They had an album released just shortly before 9/11. Their fifth record. It was titled "V" (yep). First single was standard live, but with a breakdown by Tricky, because sure.

    Aw man machine head holds up. I adored bush in the day.


    Mm. Add on the current trend of "play that album you love front to back," thus earning even more nostalgia bucks!

    Candle box and "supergroup" don't belong in the same sentence.

    Nah I'm with your coworker. Over the top sincerity or not that album is the one I listen to most to this day. Copper was bigger and had more emotional impact but I love distance.