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    I would like to recommend you try "the distance to here." It is a much stronger follow-up to the first two albums. I like a few songs on samadhi, but the production sucks and the songwriting isn't good enough to overcome it. Distance simply sounds wonderful, contains more of the weird slightly quirky humour found in

    I really enjoyed Evans and chiklis bouncing off each other. Never saw the surfer one but I thought the first film got the torch/thing dynamic perfect.

    Yeesh. Which tool fans? The audience at any live show us as much fratboy meathead jock as it is loner music "afficiando."

    I particularly think of major Nintendo releases. Zelda, for example. Never does a premiere Zelda title get anything less than gushing praise.

    Mm. How did the reception change down the road from the initial wave?

    Or big high profile games with legacies always receive positive reviews on release.

    Well. My interest just shot up 1000%

    Wait. Wait. Wonder man is in this??

    Looking forward to it. I will admit that series 3 and the special were vaguely disappointing, but the chemistry between the leads goes a long way towards my enjoyment.

    I had to pause the episode after braughers glorious reading of "… genitalia." Died.

    Just when I think he can't get any worse. Fuck my eyeballs.

    God. Fucking. DAMMIT mark Millar.

    In fairness, most of his enemies are total dicks. 😂

    Comics alliance has given piles of coverage to Archie over the past five years.

    Man, I've never been able to do waffles without half the battle sticking to the plates and ruining everything.

    My thoughts exactly. It's literally right there.

    I know what I'm doing tonight.

    The men's surser match was fine. main was fun for the shock. Show and booking was hot garbage.

    I'm Canadian. She's the good supreme Court judge right?

    That's you're opinion, and you're entitled to it, but I really can't stand Aladdin. =)