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    I certainly prefer the proper "movie" versions over the pop versions. Especially that particular era, where they're very pop ballad, overlaid with synths, bland. Excepting being Elton John's versions, because, you know, he wrote them and they worked.

    My wife's favorite Disney film, and I think it's become mine. Used to be Little Mermaid but as I've grown I like it less (Ursula is probably my favorite Disney villain though, and it's a CRIME that "Poor Unfortunate Souls" was NOT on the original soundtrack release). The songs, as the article notes, are all brilliant.

    Reviews don't really matter. Big franchise games generally review well. The chatter, word of mouth, that's different. Both online and from friends. Nobody was marvelling at it, or saying it was awesome. The main comment was always "it can play itself." Maybe it was resistance to the gambit system, or whatever. At the

    Fuck, I want a Figaro bros side scrolling beat-em-up now.

    Yeah, it's a bummer with the advent of full voice over they eliminated the ability to change everybody's names.

    That doesn't make them bad but they certainly are a bit dated. I find the games simply run sooooooo slow when I go back to do replays. Like ffx (which was the big ff on ps2)… I love it but good lord it takes forever to get going and holds your hand for faaaar too long.

    I have so little interest in ffxv. The cast of four characters, all of whom dress in sweet black brah, driving a car around, um, doing stuff?

    Ultros was awesome you shut your damn mouth.;)

    I don't even *remember* HBP. I vaguely recall feeling like they chopped out so much of the actual HBP subplot, the reveal was utterly meaningless at the end.

    I liked DHP1 as well because of the character work. Didn't like P2 at all.

    I liked his take on Order, mainly because he trimmed all the fucking fat and it was a better story for it (minus losing the twins' victory). But seriously, his stuff is just kind of… pedestrian? Like it's solid, it's fine, he has a look for the world, but it's nothing super exciting or compelling.


    Always with the pranks, rainbow.

    I don't really understand your comment.

    Ah. Nothing I've seen. I enjoy Kelsey grammar when he stops by.

    That's totally cool. I'm only relating my own experience watching the commentaries. I'm happy you enjoyed them more than me!

    Nice, I own the set. I didn't know he'd ever done a commentary since he's "notoriously reclusive." Never made it through all the commentaries. There's many great ones, usually with a guest star or member of the cast, but sometimes they're boring with just the writing/directorial staff. I don't really feel like

    FOX did their best to make SURE nobody saw it!

    Ohhhh what ep is that?!

    I think it's just a difficult watch.