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    I know you don't mean it, but your words and perspective are unsurprising to me. I lived in that world for a long, long time. I know what dead church is code for. S'ok.

    I've never been convinced the name stood for something. I've heard multiple suggestions.

    My Lutheran church lacking rocking drum solos and affirming lgbt+ people is the furthest thing from dead, sorry to inform you.

    Further thinking on the idea of subordination.

    Technically it's payable on death. Sides, plenty if "acronym" or letter names out there.

    Vineyard is an offshoot of Pentecostals and charismatics. They ostensibly fall into the charismatic category but became a large enough string of churches in Na and I believe into UK and maybe aus, with focus on manifestations of the holy spirit such as tongues, shaking, falling over, prophecy, word of God,

    The Protestant sects I am most familiar with - Pentecostal, charismatic, vineyard, apostolic - put huge stock in the Bible, personal revelation, and certainly the "fresh" "new" word/move of God. Conversely, there is a deep suspicion and push back against tradition (Pentecostals are fond of referring to churches with

    so many youth groups, so many youth group skits set to the champion or witch's invitation

    HA! I also loved the shit out of Bush' first two albums. ^^


    I'm 35 and still wear eyeliner. ><

    Yeah, so what basically happened was album 5 was kinda numetal, and did okayish, and they signed to Lava Records (a subsidary of Atlantic). So that album got "secular" distribution as well as their christian distro and promotion. It also never used the name of Jesus and was significantly less explicitly "Christian."

    I was raised Catholic, then became pentecostal/charismatic whatever. I dunno. I was always kind of stunned by some of the anti-catholic rhetoric or outright hatred some have for Catholics. Jack Chick tracts, for example. There are things I appreciate about Catholicism.

    yes, although their very first album cover was literally a cast-iron skillet on a field of white. self-titled. =)

    That's a fantastic way of expressing it. Protestant, specifically pentecostal-influenced evangelical, is totally self-focused. It's what God feels about ME, how I feel about God, what God can do for ME, etc etc.

    Well, the two main members have been in Skillet for 20 years now. I think the guitarist is like half his age and relatively recent addition. They've gone through plenty of guitarists lol.

    Skillet was my favorite band in the late nineties/early 2000s. Their pastor gave them their name, like mixing up all their musical styles and putting them in a skillet. heh. eyeroll.

    She’s loaded with meat! She’s got more meat than a cow!

    Just like that devil worshiping Edward can Halen!

    I mean. Evangelicals deify PASTORS. the cults around mark Driscoll, Joel osteen, many others… The irony would be hysterical if wasn't so suffocating.