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    Not entirely. I've known people who put u2 on pedestal because of their beliefs or supposed beliefs. They're doing it in the real world mannnnn.

    No, that all goes to the select few in charge of the scam.

    My friends parents had all sorts of literature and messages about uw zep was the absolute most satanic.

    As somebody once entrenched in the Christian rock demographic, but raised on classic rock, and having friends into more independent or out of the box "Christian" artists…

    Oh, don't I know it. let's reframe it as "culture" or art or whstever. putting aside the truly terrible things like ex-gay therapy and whatnot.

    Hillsong is one of the single worst things from the evangelical Christian culture. On top of all the theological, ethical, blah blah issues, the music is sooooooo muuuuch gaaarbage it hurts.

    I do see WHY she is offensive, at first it really came across more as some gross transphobic humour. And maybe it is, I'm not going to tell anybody they shouldn't find her gross. However, I think the bigger satire was showcased through Kyle, and this idea that Jenner was somehow a superhero, criticism-proof… and oh,

    Cena hasn't held the title in a very long time.

    Buckle up, buckaroo!!

    Jesus, Gerald's face growing more and more grotesquely, gleefully evil as he maniacally typed. Fun episode, not really standalone, but I'm loving the continuity from last season and set-up for a season long storyline.

    I'm sure it's been brought up, but would it kill them to make Cena EARN a title shot? His last match saw him beaten, cleanly, by the new champion. Then he disappeared. He hasn't had the title for some time. He's not owed anything except WWE storytelling "John Cena gets things because John Cena." Or at least have him

    Yeah. I appreciate the serial, pulp fiction elements and setting much more. I also read that they explicitly based Baloo and Rebecca on Sam and Rebecca from Cheers, and I get that much more now too.

    Canada is Region 1. It's the same product as in USA, other than maybe french packaging.

    Weird, season 2 part 2 was released at retail here in Canada. I picked it up for like 8 bucks. It's on amazon.ca for a tenner.

    It's more fun for me than any of its peers (I don't put Gargoyles in the same category; it's very much on par with Batman TAS and unDisney). Probably the superhero aspect of it. It's silly, and I can only watch a few episodes at a go, but I do enjoy throwing the DVDs on here and there.

    … you mean the "Grease is the word" song? I love that song. The hell? =)

    Oh no! I was wrong!

    What. What. WHAT. Want.

    Old Dutch >>>>>>> lays