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    Should I watch Romancing the Stone? It was recently added to Netflix.

    Hahaha, really?

    It's solid. Just shouldn't be his finish. Hell, nobody else is using it. Give him the jackhammer lol.

    I once read an article —- here on 411, no less —- that said Edge's body was shaped like a T, and made sense for a spear. I think it's valid, but he's still a skinny guy and generally he hugged guys lol.

    God, right? Everybody else it just sucks. Edge's was basically a hug. Reigns is… something. It just shouldn't be a finish, especially since 900 people use it these days. Set-up, fine.

    Pay Heyman to do commentary on just Rhyno matches, because there is nothing like:


    Also Lisa Loeb in glasses when I was 13.

    Yeah, that article was… it was something, alright.

    "blinkin, what are you *doing* up there?"

    Oh shit, really? I fell off the hdtgm train because they can turn merely obnoxious, quickly, but the ones where they actually talk to directors or people from the movie are good.


    I dislike goofy Club on Raw, but I think Styles (currently) benefits from being solo. Bring over at least two of those guys though. Neville would definitely benefit.

    Oh shit, they would be PERFECT for it. Especially if they actually let them talk and make all these excuses for it, talking about how they're so manly, or their opponents aren't MANLY enough.

    Heath Slater is the MVP of Raw and Smackdown.

    Necro'ing this thread because.

    I love that figure. Also the comic reinvention of kup as basically the tf version of Nick fury.

    So good. I'm not buying them but it's pretty amazing that the tf and Joe fan clubs actually put OUT that cc figure recently.

    I've never been much of a lager or lighter beer fan but seriously. Plain old PILSNER pilsner, Germany old timey label and all, has really been doing it for me. Tried a few more small or craft ones too. Uncomplicated is the perfect description.

    Two things, because I am a huge TF nerd. "but some of it—like Cybertron transforming and being Unicron’s brother, if robots can be brothers—never found its way back in. ”