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    Yep. Look up the season 3 episode "Almost Human."

    a FUTURE truck

    Poor geewunners. Their toys are so much better. everything else is just so cheap and playskool.

    "Goldbug! Shitpiece!"

    Not "literally" everyone. I mean, if you're going to use literally, you literally used it incorrectly.

    Heh. I've had at least a few of those. We also have a few different ones up in Canada. I went through a pile of different ones a few falls ago.

    The fake out triggered the warm, sickening horror spreading through my torso. Relief.

    Season 5 is a lot of fun and I should really finish 6, as I hear the latter half is better. It's still good to, but you're right. he was the heart. I even feel it could have lost one of Britta or Annie and been fine.

    I think he is, but he's not positioned in the same way cast or character-wise.

    Depends who you ask. I also tend to read it more as a growing up thing. But there is a fair amount of commentary that reads it, the line about nylons, as uncharitable towards women and sexuality.

    Perhaps because Bojack was so far up his own ass in self-pity and blaming others at that point. Nothing Carolyn said registered, because he was committed to firing her (and placing blame on her for his own garbage, and refusal to acknowledge how much hell he's put her through). He was following a script both literally


    … you have no idea. I still consider myself a Christian, but certainly more of a Universalist. Blah blah blah. I attend a Lutheran church with a female pastor and a married queer intern pastor. That's after years of trying to figure out who I was and what I believed.

    I did quite enjoy LWW, and I actually liked Caspian. I thought they way they did the "temptation" scene was powerful, especially with Edmund shattering the White Witch's mirror/portal/whatever. The added attack scene was… fine.

    I've always been at a loss for how to adapt that one. It's a fantastic story but it's extremely bleak. Even the hopeful ending, really, is bleak. And there's some verrrrrry problematic stuff in there. You know. Susan losing her innocence because basically sex, and the Kalormen basically being Moors.

    I think trying to be LOTR-lite is the biggest flaw of LWW…

    Season 6 is nice (still have to finish it, god it took forever to actually hit DVD)… but the lack of Troy really did hurt the show. Losing Pierce was fine. Losing Troy took out a much more key part of the ensemble and Abed never quite seemed to recover. It doesn't help losing Shirley into season 6, because as much as

    100%. It crushed me, and Charlotte's fuck was terrifying.

    Thanks for pointing that out. I skipped to the comments first, then went back up, and that's a pretty big omission, there…

    Eeesh. =J