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    Lemme throw a few out here, just off the top of my head.

    The commentary on the explicit violence rings most true to me. I didn't enjoy the movie in the theatre. It was boring, primarily.

    I agree with all of these statements!

    I work at a chain steakhouse. We have an ok beer selection, nothing like the current crop of craft beer pubs out there, and WE had a coffee milk stout on the winter beer feature.

    TRICK QUESTION, Lemmy is god!!

    Evolution is a Missstreeeeeeeeee

    But it DID get buzz beer.

    This is war is legitimately one of the best records I've heard over the past 15 years. Then I made the mistake of reading interviews with Leto, and accidentally waded into some of his diehard fans. The documentary of the making of this is war is one of the most laughably pretentious things I've ever watched.

    So long as I ignore Jared Leto being, you know, Jared Leto, thirty seconds to Mars is one of my favorite bands.

    I can't… argue that. Albeit I still found the court scenes more enjoyable than the boring, pointless, generic ninja-ing of the latter half of the season.

    Thanks. I'll have to check it out for my kids. =)

    … this is going to sound terrible but I really don't get the cookie joke. =)

    Not every episode of a show needs to be a blockbuster. This episode was a lot of fun, with a lot of great jokes, some dark comments (jesus, Diane; jesus, kids getting a private dance from a whale stripper). So I don't really get the harping of "inconsequential" in the review. Which isn't a negative review, of course,

    Between the "Universal Championship" and the Final Deletion, real wrestling is reading an awwwwfuullll lot like online fantasy wrestling lately. ;)

    The Neville/Axel match was the only real misstep. It should've been as squashy as the Jax and Braun matches. Doesn't do Neville any good to have a slow, plodding match where he doesn't look any better than a wrestler they literally call "Mr. Irrelevant."

    I don't know if I have "sympathy" for penny, but teenagers aren't working with a fully developed frontal lobe. Expecting a teenage girl to act with full care to the weight of experience and wisdom she does not yet possess…

    For me, the darkest moment of the show is still in s2ep11, when Charlotte walks in on Penny and Bojack. There wasn't one moment in this season that got quite as dark, but there was a string of smaller, brutal moments in the latter half that… yeah.

    Todd's "fuck man." Jesus.

    Also I loved xgb when I was…. 12? 13? Kylie was definitely the "leader." Eduardo was a slacker, then there was Carlton, and wheelchair jock.