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    I find myself stunned at the level of nerd rage regarding GB. I mean, I grew up with it, but it was nowhere near the level of star wars, or comic books, or whatever you want to say. It was a funny comedy, and a cartoon show, and then an awful lot of nothing for the better part of 20 years. There was always some

    No kidding. Hey guys, we can do whatever we want now! Anything is open!

    I dunno about general agreement, but I fucking LOATHED ID immediately when it came out. I would have walked out but it was a big work pre-showing, I'd gotten a ride, and I was on the north end of the city and live on the south side. It broke my brain repeatedly. Just… loathed.

    never did finish it, TBH. i should really just buy the whole stupid series and get it over with. ^^


    Yeah fair point.

    It was so well cast.


    Sooooooo happy Josie & the Pussycats is on this list. It's one of those films I scoffed at when my unkempt loser musician friends kept telling me "no, it's actually REALLY good."

    Reading a few news stories on this and all.

    never watched breaking bad so couldn't say. the season 1 bojack fuck came from herb in the malibu episode, after their brawl.

    At the business office.

    It was pointed out elsewhere, possibly in the review of said episode, that bojack has only dropped the f-bomb twice. It's under no obligation to show such restraint, but those two "fucks"…

    Jesus. The music cue right there. The hushed giggling.

    Thrilled and terrified.

    100%. I watched it based on recommendations of friends and gave up after the first three episodes. Went back to it later (because I like animation and read more good reviews) and wow.

    I totally get where you are coming from. I've watched both seasons twice now, and once it finds its groove it's absurdly good…

    After watching captain America and enjoying the HELL out of it, I went back to the rocketeer. I was delighted to find it incredibly fun. That "feel", of old serials, of classic Hollywood, of four-color action, whatever you call it, is lovely.

    Good fucking lord.

    Ha! You certainly can't "convince" somebody something is funny. Its like explaining the joke. Its either funny to you or it isn't. :)