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    Let's find out!

    mmm, to be fair, I did like the couple issues of WXMEN I checked out, and was planning to grab the first couple trades.

    Ha! Wasn't correcting, seconding his name. Whatever happened to him? I dig his stuff on Spidey

    I thought I replied to this already.

    I'd agree with you on that.

    I think Johns, in particular, represents what's "wrong" with DC and Marvel over the last while. The people in charge specifically seem to envision the universe as being very close to the one they read as children, only with more adult themes —- such as constant dismemberment. Marvel is perhaps less guilty of this but

    Awesome take. Thank you.


    I don't really know. I love GB as a fantastic fucking movie but that flick is still around. It's hardly as though GB has had the constant stream of content like star wars, trek, or transformers and gi Joe. It's two flicks, a cartoon, a bad 90s show, and not much else. It always exists but for many it's just a cool

    I think I like it better now than as a teenager. The bleak ending crushed me.

    I don't hate it. I appreciate Morrison has a different take on magneto from the martyr/pariah.

    Yeah having Xavier be the traitor but NOT REALLY THE TRAITOR was such a letdown. It should've been a full heel turn, not "Prof X turned into a crazy armored bad guy."

    I can't disagree with any of that. I don't really like Bendis that much, and Disassembled was a hot mess, but those books/event absolutely made the Avengers a "big deal" again.

    And really, you can't argue with how compelling he made the X-books on his initial landmark run. It may not always hold up to a modern audience, with the purple prose and sheer amount of words, but he crafted the versions of characters that became iconic or at the least lasting. Shit like Dark Phoenix saga is among

    Exhibit A: Bishop and the "traitor"

    I love the MCU flicks but I'm with you on X-Men. I don't care about the reviews. I enjoyed DOFP, I like Singer's work on X-Men, and I'm excited to see this movie. I don't expect it to be perfection but I expect it will be fun, and like you note, something I never actually thought we'd get on screen. I don't even

    I got a few of the volumes out from the library last year (not all of them), and overall I found the stories still entertaining and interesting. They're certainly 90s, but the dystopian setting does more to set them free from that specific era in comics despite being such a grim & gritty. For, despite the bleak

    Mm. True, I suppose, but I definitely like to read the reviews for more significant thoughts or critiques. To me, at this point, only grades on the extremes (A, A+, C-, D) mean anything to me. What's a B-? How is it different from a B+? Even a C+ is "good." Heh.

    Uh… so… did you Like the movie or what?

    I think I need to give it another go even if it isn't great. It's been 15 years —- and I am a very different person. ^^