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    It's dull, you twit! It'll hurt more!

    I really enjoy the first 2/3 of the movie. Lots of laughs, great lines, fun stuff. The climactic tense scene kind of fallsf right apart. It's just… whatever.

    … what?

    SUCH a great flick. The whole cast is great but Alan Cummings is wonnnnnnderfully sleazy.

    I am currently terrified to attempt a rewatch.

    Man 90s soundtracks are great. I still really dig the u2 track, it's got a killer riff and it's "heavy" by u2 standards.


    I… I don't really like it, either.

    Hell yea. I still enjoy the movie but goddamn if is not my all-time favorite movie soundtrack. I adore halcyon + on + on. The whole thing sizzles, and pairs wonderfully with the trainspotting soundtrack released around the same timeframe.

    As fantastic as Hamil is during his tenure as joker in the dcau, that performance may be his best. In the past he plays joker as he always has, but with such joy in cruelty to remind you how horrific joker is despite the color. In the future, he gives joker that extra layer of hardness…

    The paper mache nature of the iron legion took most of the fun out od that ending.

    It's basically all about the twenty minutes of thor and Loki marvel team-up style… worth the ticket right there. ^^

    Jesus Rotj is so goddamn dark. I love it, but it goes into some baaaaaad places.

    I feel so weird about im3. It is far and away my least favorite marvel film. Ita not.. actively bad or anything. It simply left me cold. I didn't feel anything at all. Zero stakes (we k ow they'll win, but…), utterly forgettable villain, the buddy act with the kid for a third of the flick.

    I refuse to consider his batman stories canon. Eeeesh.

    Timm/dini 2016.

    I'ma correct you here.

    Can't really place the blame on THIS crew for that. The entire GB franchise has been obsessed with Stay-Puft. The video game a few years ago shoehorned him in again, the IDW comics went so far to explain *WHY* Stay-Puft ALWAYS SHOWS UP no matter the story…

    I truly wonder if the outrage is actually a mass thing or the hysteric rantings of a minority that knows how to use proxies and has far too much time on their hands.

    Lots of material I need to go back for. Loved new frontier once I figured out where it was going. My true intro was several issues of the Peter milligan/Mike allred x-force/x-statix run Cooke filled in for. He was a wonderful alternative to allreds regular pencils.