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    The Apostle is mind-blowing.

    Saved! was such a weird experience for me because I watched it well after I was a youth group teenager and much more questioning and open-minded. It's the exact kind of movie that can never reach the people it should, because those people are being parodied the most, and will thus view it as mockery.

    I mean.

    Recently rewatched s6 and enjoyed it more than the first go around but I agree. I am way more interested in av2:EB than standard issue spy stuff. :)

    Hoping Malory takes a bigger stage again after Walters sounded like she needed (and was granted) a lighter schedule in s6.

    I, uh, I inadvertantly had my 3 year old saying "noooooooope!" And giggling furiously for half a year.

    Goddammit. I love Archer.

    The actual show is BEAUTIFUL these days. There are moments in season 6 that are jaw-dropping.

    He actually does review all of them in the article, in text. Legit. It's glorious.

    ah ah ah I haven't even BEEN with a Booker today!

    Nailed it. Faithful to a fault (thus boring), or wtf.

    That's what makes it so powerful. It gets right into those uncomfortable memories of high school and adolescence.

    … I have the regular DVD boxset and the "yearbook edition" box set.

    Whaaaaat actual HD?

    My "problem" with Beck (not really a problem) is that by and large, most of his albums are random songs in a particular style he's into at the time. Which is fine, and he always has at least a couple killer cuts, but only a few albums hold my full attention. Mainly Sea Change.

    It's not his best album but the opening cut off midnight vultures (sexx laws?) is goddamn monstrous. <3

    Haha. There is always that.

    How? I mean, they were doing rap-rock when rap-rock was a big thing. That wasn't exactly outside the wheelhouse of popular music circa 2001.

    Mean MACHINE
    Mean MACHINE
    nun unun nun nun nun nuhhhh
    Mean MACHINE

    I mean, I haven't watched it, but isn't it still ultimately a kid's show? The reviews seem … off?