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    man, at least michael bay can film some (SOME) decent action and uses a lot more practical effects. Also there's usually some color.

    TP was fine if unremarkable. SS is the game that deserves the hate. ^^

    It's been awhile but I still remember getting the same dialogue windows throughout Majora's Mask. At the time it didn't bother me as much. But as you note, Majora doesn't tightly follow the Zelda format in the same way. There are only four "true" dungeons in the game…

    That's fair. Makes it even more frustrating. It had hints of a really cool world that was essentially uninhabited and not worth exploring - even when you were allowed to.

    It's one of the oddities about the game design. You use the Wolf essentially for the first three dungeons (or rather, to unlock them). When you're in the Twilight, you become a wolf against your will. I enjoyed those sections.

    mmmmmmmmmmm Majora's Mask.

    It got boring although I wouldn't say it was a huge detriment. If anything I just wish the second half of the game was as inventive as the first. It descended into same old, same old.

    You know what would be subversive?

    Cena != Reigns.

    I was beyond baffled when Harper & Rowan couldn't beat the Usos last summer. Because the Usos are clearly so over and giving so much shine to the tag belts. *jerkoff motion*


    Root beer for the win!

    motherfucking tubby dog!

    Upvoted for your avatar.

    That's even in Canada. $1.50 for a monster allbeef or polish sausage with a pop. It's Pepsi here too. And they're damn good

    No it's empowering. EM. POW. ER. ING.

    Yeahhhh I sympathize with that. The guys who really really really wanted to emulate the "lifestyle" or found/imagined an identity in it. Ergh.

    I suppose. It's a purely visual "vision. " it says nothing about making good films.

    Interesting, I know I tried to read Trainspotting after watching the film (I was like 20 and working at a video store and was briefly obsessed with it), and I just was like, meh. I mean it wasn't bad but it really didn't wow me or intrigue me like the movie. I like the contributor's examination of why.

    I can barely listen to NIN's version anymore. Part of it is that Downward Spiral is so tied to a certain period of teenage angst that I barely relate to the album anymore, despite still digging tunes. Hurt sounds like the whiny mewlings of a loser who doesn't want to accept responsibility for himself. That's not