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    Or you could look at is: Hurt is such a great song it can be stripped down to simple acoustic chords and simplicity and remain powerful, compelling, and well-written. Reznor is more than just production.

    Ha. For me, watching Watchmen (ugh) made me realize just how outstanding a piece of literature Watchmen is. It simply does things that are fundamentally ingrained in the medium of comic books that do not translate well or AT ALL to film. Which isn't a new thought, but the movies bizarre choices to at times follow the

    I wanted to like this article but I couldn't get through half of it. Way, way, way too long, way too much background, totally lost me.

    I feel like this article is a stretch.

    For? Loving playing music for a living? Continuing to love music like he's a teenager while he plays music for living? Having made some really, really, really great music and somehow still coming across like a big dumb goofball WHO REALLY LOVES PLAYING MUSIC?

    I really, really, really love the name "Newsboys + DC Talk guy" as their band name.


    Every time "visionary director" pops up on a trailer I wonder what films this is based on. I really, really do.


    Archer vice is what made me become a FAN of the show. It was OK to me before. Now I appreciate it more.

    Of course. But not laptops, not tablets, and many people aren't going to have full desktops.

    what the hell is with Americans being so lawsuit happy?

    Yeah I think there are people that do that. You can't take an LP on the bus or in the car. ^^

    I'm just happy somebody replied with treasure hunter.

    FFIV was my first rpg, so I didn't really understand the importance of leveling up and sometimes grinding. I ran away from almost every battle in the lunar subterrane, didn't beat any of the super bosses, and fluked out beating Zeromus on my first go.

    or for throwing legendary weapons at Zeromus!

    no, i was 11. and it was leagues above the storyline and writing in basically every NES and SNES I'd ever played to that time.

    I want to hear more about the subtexts in all three of those games. Please?


    And listen to the swank ass music.