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    I've always enjoyed this movie, even as nowadays I giggle at bits like OMG 28.8 BPS MODEMMMM. in my mid-teen the alt-raver fashion sense and overall attitudes of the characters made a lot of sense to me. I still think they look cool. It's a fun movie with some charming performances… About the only film I can stand

    I am now in love with the phrase "swashbuckling around and being awesome."

    wait. wait wait wait.

    The reading is amazing. Stan has just the right note of shit-eaying without being too smug or obvious.

    "The prequels are a goddamned waste of everyone's time. Every actor, every crew member, every audience member. And everyone involved is very talented and should have known better. "

    Skipped the article, because.

    Simply reading your reminiscence of Inigio's revenge scene sends chills down my entire body.

    … … … … Well, this made my day.

    I watched bits and pieces of Rio while I was eating with my kids at IKEA. I couldn't run away fast enough. The first Ice Age I've seen, it was… okay. Just so obvious. When I looked up Blue Sky from the Peanuts posters, I was aghast to look at their track record. Sure, they've made money, but… ugggggh. Glad to hear

    I feel similarly. It's not an episode that I dislike, or even feel strongly about. The opening bit has some amazing lines. I love Marge's "beer into you and straight to bed" SO HARD. But it does feel kind of disjointed and unpleasant on repeat viewings. Not in the way I feel about Dumbell Indemnity or the one where

    "Keep making a jolly old ass of yourself, dum-dum."

    " meticulously faithful while totally missing the damn point"

    It has to begin with "my, my."

    the sheer number of easter eggs in the lego kwik-e-mart is amazing.

    Okay! I was not attempting to be dismissive, just clarifying. And I would agree with you on Class Struggle. A well-crafted episode, great plot, bits, set-up, powerful stuff with Marge, some wonderful jokes, but it IS uncomfortable to watch. Marge losing her stack at Lisa is perhaps one of the strongest emotional beats

    I'm not sure which argument you're making here… =P

    It gets an A from me for this line alone, which I quote all the frikkin' time.

    I think that's what bothers me about "My Sister My Sitter" and why it is personally very off-putting. It's got some great jokes, a good idea, and of COURSE Bart would respond poorly to his LITTLE SISTER being left in charge —- but he veers so far into just being a godawful "little jerkass" it's not fun. It's not

    two of those four things are not good.

    Haaaaaaate it. No ending. Brutal smithers gag with the village people. Just too random and annoying.