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    That EP does indeed suck. News at 11.

    I like the enough, but tend to skip it when watching the season. Far better than this moe one, something just doesn't sit right though.

    Yeahhhh, I mean, sorry about your damn luck, Yahoo, but that shit should've been on netflix, even if it wasn't by Netflix. Or whatever.

    And while AV Club reviews are prone to over-analyzing Simpsons, this review reads far more depth, care, and pathos into Moe and the script than is there. And the scheme is crummy.

    This is one of my "NO" episodes, and probably the first singularly loathsome episode of the series. It's beyond mean-spirited and as repulsive as Moe believes himself to be. No, that's not a brilliant meta commentary. A few laughs, sure, but significantly more frustration and irritation when viewed.

    What was weird about it? The wrestling angle was a "work" presented as reality. It was, um, pro wrestling.

    Meh, disney likes to pretend Gargoyles never existed. Took them literal years to bother finishing the series on DVD. I'm not joking, they only put out the 2nd half of season 2 this year. Part 1 was like, six years ago.

    Oh man I haven't. Fell offy radar but I will make a point of watching it soon. Whoo!

    Thank you. Density is the perfect word to describe the comedy. I could not seem to properly articulate that.

    I've never seen Top Secret!, but I should. I watched the HELL out of Naked Gun and Naked Gun 2 1/2 as a kid. I mean, like, from 8 onwards through my teen years. Plenty of jokes I didn't get or were wildly inappropriate for my age, but gawd, so funny.

    My wife enjoys it as well. We should play some when the kids are in bed soon. It's just so chill. The music and vibe, lack of tension. It seems bland but it's a neat experience. Beautiful, too.

    Yeah dude, my wife and I had fun for years on the game with friends over and such. It generally just felt like a different experience from actually playing my guitar but it was also inspiring.

    Poor you.

    I wonder how Matt and Trey feel about mr. Garrison's fancy new vagina. Was the Cissy an apology of sorts? It is certainly a change of tone and ideology.

    Graduated in 99, yeah…

    gawd, this show has been on longer than some of the kids i work with.

    Kenny is gender-fluid. And very open-minded.

    Right. "it's white college kids "Marginalisplaining" and their behalf and then trying to end all debate by playing the "disagreement = Harassment" card."

    I guess. It didn't land for me. Just confusing.

    … have these people watched South Park? Ever?