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    Welcome home.

    I caught that. Heh.

    … I'm having a difficult time interpreting this reply?

    Privileged voices (white, male, straight) decentering the voices of the marginalized (colored, female, LGBTQ*) is a problem. I've learned to try to just sit back and listen and be supportive.

    Everybody is entitled to an opinion. A person's opinion can still be racist, hateful, bigoted, sexist, or any number of other terrible things —- shit people can be rightfully called out on for being crap. One can say "all gay people should be put on an island and bombed." And then, fairly, I (and hopefully most

    That makes sense. They're identical in gameplay with the different skins. Thanks!

    Felt a bit too light at times. The commercials were funny but went long enough to feel like filler, but it was a funny episode with some heart. The end with Kenny brought warmth to my heart. I love that Kenny's love of his sister is one of the show's ongoing themes.

    I had really hoped that "You're Getting Old" was a serious change to the episode, and was disappointed when they reset in the next episode.

    Nah, avalanche/mbm is a vastly different puzzler than Dr. Mario. Color-matching at its core but very different mechanics. The sheer frantic pace and difficulty of Avalanche can't be understated. It is a BEAST in two-player mode, crushing your opponent under an… uh… 'avalanche' of rocks when you score a high combo.

    Right in the mean bean machine!

    That's one thing about the past few seasons that felt off to me. Outside of Randy (who is awesome), the adult cast seemed to vanish outside of scene filler. Some of SP's best episodes are about Garrison.

    What I really don't get about this flick is how lazy the fantasy sequence is. It's almost entirely LOTR based. There is a wealth of fantasy material they could hve mimed. The staff contains plenty of d&d geeks. Yet they do so little with tabletop. Harry Potter. general stuff? Narnia? Etc. they did so little and most

    Often I have an impossible time remembering what comes after the trambampoline. Single greatest first act in this show. God I laugh and laugh and quote and quote.

    I told that idiot I wanted my sandwich sliced! Sliced! ….owwwww.

    Right? It's waaaay too much. I wonder if they hedged, not knowing if they'd get a sequel. He shouldn't fight kingpin until a sequel. And elektra happens in a flash. Meet, screw, she dies.

    The director's cut adds an entire subplot about matt, y'know, being a lawyer, in a case that seems open and shut but his superpowers tell Matt the accused is innocent!!

    Agreed. Bryan is not the rock, or austin, or Hogan. But he possesses charisma. He's ridiculously likeable and that goes a long way. He's hardly Dean malenko (who I do love, but…). Bryan talked a lot in roh and got his personality over. He gets his bits.over in matches. He REALLY took off in wwe… By doing anger

    Angry. Very. Very. Very angry.

    Yes, they were removed a couple months ago on Canadian Netflix.

    I know it's been written before, but I gotta do it.