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    Man I do not get 70s/80s Disney. I mean, I love the Robin Hood movie, but it all looks so cheap compared to the classic stuff and the Little Mermaid-on stuff, which look beautiful.

    Ursula begs to differ, sir. She begs. To. DIFFER.

    Power chord? I only know… one chord… I hope it's enough…

    *spends thirty minutes reading comments and up voting.*

    And Lamar's increasingly intense "are you" —- without resorting to yelling or shouting, and the cold reality check of "deal with it" are beautiful. He just crushes Bender, who is lacking his usual uber-confidence and bravado.

    One of my most quoted lines, bar none.

    I can tolerate fry here. It always read to me that every now and then he asks Leila on a date, but otherwise is ok being friends and doesn't push it.


    For me, personally, the episode is one of the funniest, most memorable Futurama episodes, and the breathtaking turn at the end gets me every time.

    I love the blindside. Futurama demonstrates in multiple episodes this ability to take your breath away unexpectedly, but rarely unearned. It is a transcendent episode of television, of a very good series that becomes something powerful and special.

    That is one of the key reasons I outright LOATHE Bender's Big Score. I'm not mincing words. I fucking hate the movie. As a concept, the Nudist aliens are obnoxious, unfunny, and nowhere near compelling enough to hang four episodes/1 movie on. Leela behaves terrifically out-of-character and is unusually callous. Fry is

    Um, no? Tmnt is a great live action movie.


    what. boo.

    Both are great, but I agree with you.

    Goddamn that is a pretty great string of episodes. Fryrish and Time Keeps on Slipping are two of the biggest for emotional impact AND are uproariously funny (Slipping is also brilliant). I have a huge soft spot for the Beck episode, everything else is funny, and Stood Stupid has major implications going forward.

    I'm not gonna cry this time. Nope. Not gonna.

    Newmar is still around, off the top of my head.
