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    And how!

    probably my youthful ignorance and being a white kid from a small small town showing… i always thought the joke was just that they were in a supply close, so they said supplies instead of surprise… i'm not defending or yelling at the bit, it was just hliarious to me that they said supplies! and the mobsters were

    uggggggggggggh. I was pre-teen when I got into the Adept series, read Incarnations, some of Xanth. When I look back all I see is just the gross, gross, gross amounts of rape and women used as nothing as nothing but an orifice for somebody's penis.

    Two worst episodes of the original run. Awful.

    I loved how calm he was describing the agonizing bite. "Just gonna have to let him finish up. This was a bad idea."

    I laughed a bunch, so I'll call it a win.

    The performances are so nuanced and layered, outstanding voice work from Wallace and Shearer. It's interesting when they put the focus on supporting cast members and the actors get a chance to give them so much more depth; Cartwright's take on Nelson in "Lisa's Date with Density" has a very different (yet authentic)

    Adore is amazing

    Misread the thread. Yes they are the same song. Pretty freeform response originally.


    Thanks for putting that into words. Like them or not, the joke is goddamn tired.

    My manwich! Ocean madness! Why can't she be the other kind of lady! I loved her, I wasn't IN love with her! That just raises further questions!

    None of these are any good, but Italian Bob infuriates me.


    Missed this earlier. Cover art for STONERS. I always get a kick out of it. Those hippies. =D

    Wow. Thank you for sharing.

    Argh I live in western Canada, and for some fucking reason I missed their show four years ago in support of wonderland. They rarely tour, much less hit western Canada. *bangs head*

    I love both of those albums. Shapeshifter is seriously fucking gold. Wave motion Gun remains one of my favorite songs of all time, catchy, interesting, fun, dark, and with a blast of fucking POWER at the climax. Goosebumps, man. That doesn't even include the fun of secret squirrel.

    Loved Vice.

    The wrestler's gimmicks are pitch-perfect, which elevates the episode in my opinion.