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    I watched the shit out of Married… With Children as a kid, so the riff worked well for me. Like you though I've always wondered why the hell they didn't get Ed O'Neill to reprise his role as Al. To the best of my recollection, nobody from the show has even said "we tried, he wasn't interested/available" or even

    I feel like that is the key flaw to a lot of the CC episodes. For some reason, the show comes across hamfisted and clunky when it tries to be timely topical and uber-relevant. I loathe the "eye phone" episode (twitcher? Susan BOYLE? What is this, family guy?). Prop infinity offers no real statement or insight to the

    True, but I live in Canada.*

    What. I seriously spend 50-60% of my viewing time watching BBC crap. It's not even intentional. We've watched Sherlock repeatedly, I dove into a couple seasons of Who (cherry picking here & there now), watched some Luther (disappointing), Whites, the UK Kitchen Nightmare's (so much better), random ass BBC series,

    Fzero is amazing. So fucking HARD. Fast. Smooth.

    Agreed! As noted, Scully taking over as showrunner made 9 feel like a different (worse) show…

    8 is classic. Frank Grimes, Sherri Bobbins, Poochie, some other great ones. It's more experimental than even 7, sure, but it's full of win.

    Sometimes I wonder if Groening did anything for Futurama beyond "it's in the future!". Based on commentaries, interviews, special features etc etc, X Cohen seems responsible for significantly everything of interest in the show.

    No. Those episodes are simply lazy and bad. This. This is a masterwork.

    "I wanted my sandwich sliced! Sliced! …OW."

    I was actually disappointed when they reset everything following YGO. It was a mind-blowing, beautiful episode. It was funny HOW they reset it (and "Broadway Bro-Down" later that season is fucking glorious)… but I was like, yes. Let's change the status quo and see what we can do.

    "“If we said it was Khan, it would feel like you've really got to know what Star Trek is about to see this movie,” Abrams says of the burden these non-fans would feel to already be familiar with Star Trek’s most famous villain,"