
why is he going to the hospital? shouldn't that be done at the courthouse? and couldn't it be done in whatever city he currently resides? by mail even?

she looks hastily assembled. she's like a KKK newsletter caricature come to life.

The biblical worldview of fetuses was that if you knock the shit out of a pregnant girl during a barfight, she survives, but loses the fetus, you're supposed to pay her or her family 20 shekels. Something like that. What the fuck's a shekel?

i remember the name, but can't place the face, and there's no reason i should remember her from anything she was in (maybe that quantum leap episode?). why do i know the name? imdb says she's working again.

'mac and me.' i win, except that i still saw 'mac and me' in a theater, so it's kind of a wash.

so? it's not a decade. it's a group of numbers united by their common "8" (or "7" or "0"). or it is a decade in the sense that it's a collection of 10 consecutive years. if i worked at the same place from 1995-2005, i'd still say that i worked there for a decade.

remember pogs? they're back. in alf form.

1980 was definitely an 80 and 1990 definitely was not. the year 10 was not one of the aughts.

$100 on ebay? i could have paid off my storage rent instead of losing two of them in the storage auction.

even so, i still had one (and bought a second on clearance in around 2000, though i was well over it by that point - i'd moved on to seaman on the dreamcast).

i have most of a head of hair that i don't wash very often because i'm lazy. when i go to scratch my head and a bunch of brown shit gets scraped under my fingernails, that's when i know it's time. i save a ton of money on shampoo and conditioner.

i thought 'that's my boy' was surprisingly not terrible. it was meant to be the last sandler movie i'd ever watch, but it earned him one more chance. 'grown ups 2' came out the following year, and i guess you know how that went. i haven't seen an adam sandler movie since (nor have i re-watched 'that's my boy').

i'm not kidding, and no it wasn't. they'd have rather covered trump's empty podium (and did) than mention sanders' name.

what is there to investigate? they know who they paid off and why.

'the black book & david ellis' is a weird title.

no one votes left any more. today's democrats start from the middle and negotiate rightward. that's the way their donors like it.

my hot-take is to not eat walmart salad, but then i remember that i don't eat salad anyway. i'm not sure that a dead bat could make it any more disgusting than it already is. green stuff? bleh.

so how he dresses / looks is a deal-breaker for you? that's dumb.

they should quit hurting themselves. sanders didn't make them lose all the governorships and state legislatures.