
same way we pay for the military, except we pay a little bit less to the military.

ell oh ell at all the commenters who think gerrymandering is just a republican thing, that the democrats in office wouldn't also abuse the privilege, given the opportunity. do any of you want the practice to end, or do you just want your team get the steering wheel back?

if they're supporters, they're wrong, but fine. i look down at the people who didn't like her or trump, but then they sleepwalked (sleptwalk?) in to the polling stations and voted for one or the other anyway.

sanders? not during the primaries. he's getting plenty of coverage now that it doesn't matter.

shit happened. they thought trump (and carson and cruz) would be the clowns to sap all the momentum out of the republicans, and that's exactly what happened. too bad that one of them had to go and win. oops. http://www.salon.com/2016/1…

he was also a right-to-work guy. he was not our friend (well, he was not my friend). hell, he was a republican. just like his running mate.

i live in alabama. clinton won the primary, but she was never going to carry this state (i think we should count for half credit during the primary), so i was truly free to vote for whomever i wanted. trump is definitely not my fault.

sam barsanti is a she? i had no idea. but now it fits.

and that's an easy thing for him to say, given his chances of touching it were next to nil.

more like, "pssst, we're going to have our media contacts cut him out of all the coverage and build up the worst that the republicans have to offer, so you're definitely going to win."

unless you're a voter, closed primaries help a lot.

Yeah, they were CDs, the only format worth buying.

Looked them up on secondspin.com before I made the same smartass comment to spin's take on the situation. Go get you a bargain if you're so inclined.

they should keep the reissues. the nation's used record stores have more than enough copies in stock to keep up w/ demand.

willful ignorance *militant stupidity

"On the first page, the 3-star 'fart.wav'" is criminally underrated.

if you drink three bud lights while staring at a mirror, he'll appear over your shoulder.

i survived the tomi lahren episode. i think i can survive this.

they had to fill that fred phelps-shaped vacuum somehow.

i'm as white as they come, and i couldn't do that w/o a port-a-potty nearby. even then, i'd have to get over my reluctance to shit in a port-a-potty.