
that's what your post suggests.

just because trump hates her doesn't mean that she doesn't suck. all of a sudden, everyone likes her again? she faded out of the spotlight for a reason, and i was a happier person for it.

so you don't praise any specific policy of his, you just like him because your imagined opposition doesn't. that's fucking stupid.

the first season or two were gross and stupid. living in a town w/o comedy central didn't help, but friends would come back w/ taped episodes and i hated it. after i moved to a city w/ CC, i started paying attention around the time of the catholic pedophiles episode (2000?). completely different show from those first

maybe having done all she'd set out to do, she planned on dying at 80. you can plan in one hand and shit in the other - one of them is going to fill up first. at the end of it all, i don't think it's ultimately up to the individual. i'd planned on being dead by now (which is to say i have not planned for this).

"Guess what guys, it's time to embrace the horror! Look, we've got front row tickets to the end of the earth!"

"michael rapaport podcast" kind of has a "tree falling in the forest" quality to it. how does anyone know that he said these things?

"No cause of death was given. She was 80."

in space, fertilized xenomorph eggs suck on you!

i was more impressed w/ that big bank of SD TVs.

"Rhona Mitra, the poor man’s Beckinsale"

or you're just so heavily vested in the "bees are going extinct" myth, that you'll discount anything that argues against it as 'puff pieces written by journalists in the pocket of large industrial concerns.' by any chance, are you also anti-vax?

the cracked article cites multiple non-cracked sources.

ketchup and chili are the only things i'll eat on one. for everything else you listed, i might as well take a shit on it, because i'm not going to eat that either.

shouldn't the UV bullets work against the vampires? they'll just put holes in werewolves, which will instantly heal unless there's silver in them. now i think about it, blade 3 was dumping silver in the HVAC, which makes no god damned sense if you try to think about it. all these movies are mixing up the rules.

though if it's going to happen, probably best to just get it out of the way now, and we can all go in to 2017 w/ a clean slate.

strange game. the only winning move is not to play.

i feel the same way about samuel l jackson. "hold on to your butts."

wasn't that the point of the movie though? i still haven't seen it, but i guess everyone who did has seen them. ask him if he saw her clit.

though you could more easily tell them to fuck off, and those checks would still come.