
but right now i have both, and i require 6 nights of topical comedy. as is, LWT is too short to cover the whole week after stewart leaves that giant vacuum in his wake. at least maher's monologue will seem funnier when i haven't already heard better variations of the same jokes from TDS.

i knew i'd seen him somewhere before. i couldn't place him, and i'm too lazy / didn't give enough of a shit to look him up.

it's kind of related, in that i sometimes regard billy burke as a timothy olyphant knock-off, but he also played the lead role (quite well) in 'freaky deaky' which was based on a book by… elmore leonard. two degrees of separation is pretty close.

i liked both seasons. they did eventually save that pussy kid, but he got shot through the chest a couple of episodes later (i guess they shouldn't have bothered). i think that was how they introduced the nanites (or whatever they were called in this series) to the story.

for a short time after the collapse of the soviet union, focus groups still thought "matryoshka restaurant" came off as too commie and undermined all that flag-waving choice-freedoming imagery.

holy shit, i think it's richard grieco. also, that bald dude at 2:22 is definitely an actor i've seen in things.

why do you think this video just re-surfaced? i thought these guys went out of business in the 80s, and now they're trending.

who was this even for? shareholders' meeting, maybe? new employee orientation? they weren't going to buy a four-and-a-half minute block of airtime during CBS' saturday night craporama.

or daryl from d.a.r.y.l. instead of singling out vicki, they probably should have just said "every robot kid."

like sam the robot from sesame street, like fred flintstone driving around w/ bald feet.

you're gonna need a bigger bread. legally, you can only stake the bread-sized column between those two points, and half of that belongs to your australian friend.

that's fine and all, but will he make and / or deliver a pizza to a gay wedding?

was this her first time on a stage in front of people? jesus. i took a public speaking class in high school, and i didn't say "um" that many times all year. it was almost enough to make you think the whole bit wasn't pre-scripted and written on fucking cue cards right in front of her.

in an alternate universe, louie took over 'the late show,' and season 4 as we know it never happened.

lego proposal collects 40K supporters on internet, is approved, goes on to sell 4 sets.

if he wasn't going to see the movie, then how does he know what was claimed in it or whether he has experienced any of it? i call shenanigans. was he blinking anything in morse code during the interview?

all these years i've been using 0233 like a chump. so many wasted keystrokes.

'fuck tucker. tucker sucks.'

no, i think the opinion across the board has been that if you don't like the show, you don't have to like it. you seem to be wetting your own pants over the way you can't find anyone that doesn't hate it the same way you do.

i thought i did once, but it was just some guy named clarence.