
or maybe you should have realized the pointlessness in looking for people that hate a particular show in the comments section to an article about that show. see, most people that don't like a thing will generally be content not to read about that thing they don't like.

if you watch the video, you'll see little debbie's face and logo plastered all over that store on multiple aisles (where in most stores, she would only be on one aisle). it's definitely product placement.

his secret recipe for guac.

it sounds like you may have just set your expectations too high, and now you're mad at the show for not living up to them. lacking any emotional attachment to any of this comic book shit, i think the show is just fine (even that first half of season one that everybody else hated).

it may be time for fitz to entertain the very real possibility that the problem has been him all along.

if only so mulder can ask who the hell they are, and what are they doing in his office.

they should add a girl and a pizza place.

rather than try saying he didn't do it (or whatever their planned strategy is), his lawyers ought to just attack the law's overly dramatic language. if the guy walks because no one ever clearly defined "mass" for the purpose of this law, i think i'd be ok w/ that.

day late, and a dollar short. bojangles already serves sausage biscuits all day. they cost a few cents more, but they also taste better and don't leave me feeling like ronald mcdonald just kicked me in the stomach w/ one of his big-ass shoes.

i bake them in the toaster oven, and they are indistinguishable from the real thing. microwaved, you might as well have just thrown 20 cents in the toilet.

agreed they are the best thing on the menu, but you can get a box of 20 at wallyworld (and i presume any other grocery store) for 4 bucks. best thing on the menu doesn't mean they're worth a dollar a piece.

as far as big names go, i went to a metallica / guns and roses show just to see faith no more. we got lost somewhere in dallas, and finally got to the venue on time to see FNM walk off the stage. we stayed for metallica, because that's who our ride and the ticket source wanted to see, and we still got out before guns

i thought oliver sucked during his hosting stint, but i love his new show w/ it's own format. when stewart took over for kilbourn (i wasn't a viewer at the time), i don't remember the show having this much of a following. in its current incarnation, it's become an institution, and stewart is irreplaceable. they're

somehow between hearing "tv's michael gray" (a dozen times?) and going to look him up, my brain renamed him michael bell, and the joke didn't make any sense. i'm glad this review was here to salvage it.

is jason lee universally loved? i don't know that anyone hates him, though if his ex- is to be believed, we probably all should. i think bart simpson's voice is one of them.

not on univision

or, "if y'all are losing, who's winning?"

i'm white and i don't watch it, because i figured i wasn't the target audience.

the smoking man has since switched to a vaporizer.

skinny puppy's 'last rights' is the only correct answer.