
"for olds who don't internet"

nicholas cage was in that other one a couple of months ago. regardless what anybody thinks about his "acting," i don't think he needed the money / exposure, though he's never struck me as particularly religious, either. maybe these guys just don't know how to turn down roles.

the already-converted will be told by their pastors to go see this movie, which they will dutifully do one time. they'll somehow convince themselves it was time and money well spent, and the people that churn out this shit will recoup all the production costs, make a little profit, and then crow about how this is

except hulu is already majority-owned by enough networks (fox, nbc, abc, cw), there's no real need for the networks to pull their content. cbs streams on their own site, but nobody watches cbs.

i haven't eaten a fish stick since 1984 (the year, not the movie).

'at least i never slept w/ lumbergh.'

i first learned that springfield was a city in illinois from a g.i. joe comic book.

yeah, i'm a white people, and i still haven't seen lego. i hope the council doesn't revoke my privilege.

'dear lord… that was a lot of puppies.'

and a pretty decent circle jerks album.

i suspected as much

is everyone just afraid they'll lose their hipster internet cred if they publicly say, "fuck this boring-ass show?" at its current pace, it looks like anyone able to stick it out from start to finish might get a solid 6-episode arc stretched prosciutto-thin across multiple seasons of boring god damned filler.

i haven't read it since the 90s, but i remember liking it at the time. he either killed ripley and newt or dropped them off on earth pretty early, and then the rest of the story was hicks and more marines doing their marine thing.

william gibson had a good script for alien 3. they should make that one.

amanda marcotte didn't write this. you're not on slate right now.

beck or kanye?

you may be right. the other two topics still stand. FTR, i didn't think the last round of gun control proposals were out of bounds, either. maybe his smarm on the delivery had an undertone that whispered, "i'm keeping mine, but you hillbillies need to knock it off."

long reply will almost certainly get flagged and removed, so the TL;DR is that if you're a pretty aboriginal, just say "that was dumb," and go on w/ your life. if you're an ugly aboriginal (or not aboriginal at all, or never watch this show (and i think most of the supposed offended will fall under one of these

i'm not sure the show has been on that long but were you offended by it before you knew there was anything you needed to be offended by?