
i wish the show would just abandon the bruce and selena story. i don't give a gold-plated shit. find a reason to keep alfred around, but ditch the kids.

sam elliot's moustache is busy doing a movie right now. hopefully they'll end their bickering soon and get the old act back together.

i prefer to think it's short for pegelope or pegtricia.

i have zero interest in comic-book-related stuff (except for comic-book-related movies and that other marvel tv series), and i think this show is just boring as hell. i'll keep watching just in case there's some piece of information that deepens the other stories going on in this universe (and keep hoping this will

so, 'sex and the city,' but w/ ghosts.

i did, and the bastards still owe me four print issues of 'the stark fist.' my understanding is that my soul is supposed to be covered for eternity, so i won't bother sending more money.

and i think we can all agree that b-coop would have been just the man to do it.


like brown people, and if we're lucky, we'll get a movie made to showcase our exploits.

last i heard, picasso doesn't paint much any more.

or at least singularly exclusive. is that where i fucked up?

obviously, and kid rock is his uncle. i thought that much was made perfectly clear.

yeah, i get that. that's why i put "or just" in there so that the two options would be mutually exclusive.

i'm convinced

are people pretending to be angry over what he said or just that he said it out loud?

'nation's pride' was already taken.

back in his day, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on them. "give me five bees for a quarter," he'd say.

you'd think they'd keep him just for having those titanium-alloy legs. it's what they use on the space shuttle.

this is the one. it was woody.

so briefly that i wonder if he wasn't just a paid product placement to get his name in front of a bunch of people before he started popping up (seemingly out of nowhere) in other things. i suspect the same about olivia munn's brief turn on the show. do they have the same agent?