
I second this. I’ve physically met people from Oppo in 11 different countries on 2 continents, flew that Torchbug over the ocean and have probably met roughly 30 current and former Oppo authors in person. In those 11 different countries, in 10 of them due to Oppo meets. I was on Oppo since before it was named Oppo

Thanks all for the memories. I (well all of us) appreciate your heart felt good bye words. On that note:

I blame Ballaban for... Ballabanning me to the greys.

Really enjoyed this send-off from all of you.

To explain how important Oppo was/is in my life. I literally posted on Oppo the day of my wedding that I was getting married. Like sitting there in the room with my groomsmen waiting for the photographer to get ready to take our shots together I quickly hopped on with my phone and posted.

There is nothing so good that a bunch of lawyers and corporate hacks can’t ruin it.

Seriously though, can never thank the Jalops enough for going to bat for us. 

Awww fuck these damn allergies. I love you stupid Oppos :)

A HUGE and SINCERE thanks Jalops! We really appreciate your kind words and everything you’ve done for us over the years and all you’ve done to help save us in the last week...it’s been a whirlwind.

Oppo was my ‘home’ online...I check it many times a day, not just for the car content, but also for the camaraderie and

A bunch of Oppos are looking at hosting the archive off Kinja somewhere. We’ll have to wrangle the archive itself into a different format (WordPress or some other non-Kinja CMS), but we want it up.


So you Jalops realize just how solid of a dude you have at the helm, on the day this news became known, Rory took notice of a comment I’d made asking the editors to help us save OPPO and replied asking me to email him. A few hours later he called me and we had a long conversation about how much we both cared about the

I blame Roy Wort.

It would need its own library where everything is printed out in glorious full color. I heard there was a new presidential library with lots of space for rent. . .

I’ve been active on Oppo for the past 4 years. I’ll definitly miss it, but all good things must come to an end. The people I’ve met from it(mostly Toronto ones), the few meet ups I’ve gone too. It has changed my life in some ways. Kinja Oppo may die, but there are some alternates that are already doing well. The


I blame Travis

Even though OPPO isn’t fully dead and there’s some solid backup plans, I can’t help but feel a bit sad at this point. I made the jump from reading the FP to posting on OPPO probably six or more years ago.

And for how much Kinja has changed, and the world at large, it’s always been there as a sort of online refuge.

I’ve been here since the olden days of oppo and Jalopnik, and will miss it dearly. I’ll print my gold star and membership card and display them with pride.

Thanks for all the support from the FP guys and gals over the years. Without Jalopnik, it’s pretty obvious there’d be no Oppositelock. And we know you guys did what you could to keep us around as long as possible. It’s a bummer, yeah, but the community will live on in one form or another.